Closed comedones

Most women face blockage of the sebaceous glands, and if it's quite easy to get rid of black spots, closed comedones are a real problem. In addition, these rashes are often infected, which provokes subcutaneous inflammation, the formation of large painful acne.

The causes of the appearance of closed comedones

This rash looks like small white or yellowish tubercles under the epidermis, like millet grains. The contents of clogged pores have a very thick and viscous consistency, it does not come out on its own.

The causes of closed comedones are:

Depending on which factor triggers the rash, therapy is chosen.

How to get rid of closed comedones with cosmetics?

If the cause of pimples is incorrectly selected care, they can not be eliminated. It is important to remember three things:

Observance of the above rules will ensure the skin with a well-groomed appearance, cleanliness of the sebaceous glands, and absence of rashes. Unfortunately, many women pay attention only to intensive purification, which leads to the drying of the epidermis. As a result, dead skin cells do not peel off and close the pores, not allowing the contents to go outside. At the same time, the sebaceous glands produce more secret to compensate for the dryness, and this provokes the accumulation of fat in the pores and the appearance of comedones. Deep moisturizing and nourishing the skin prevents such problems.

How to treat closed comedones due to hormonal disorders?

The described diseases are dealt with by a gynecologist-endocrinologist. Depending on what specific indicators are deviated from the norm, special medications are prescribed to correct the hormonal background:

It should be noted that endocrine pathologies are often associated with diseases of the genitals (uterus and cervix, ovaries, mammary glands), so it is worthwhile to examine the reproductive system before choosing a therapeutic approach.

Of course, the treatment will include the use of external drugs. Cope with comedones can be through such names:

Also highly effective is pharmacy cosmetics with concentrated fruit acids in the composition (peeling action).

Treatment of closed comedones on the face with poisoning and digestive diseases

In this case, you need to eliminate the cause of the problem - to adjust the work of the gastrointestinal tract, observe a strict diet, take hepatoprotectors. An additional measure is the use of sorbents (activated carbon, Atoxil, Enterosgel), as well as live lacto- and bifidobacteria.

With the normalization of digestion and the purification of blood from toxins, the skin condition improves significantly. Completely remove closed comedones in the cosmetologist's office in two ways:

  1. A course of peelings. Takes a long time, but does not damage the skin;
  2. Mechanical cleaning. Provides an immediate effect, but refers to aggressive methods, requires a recovery period.

Remedies for closed comedones in demodicosis

This disease should be treated in a comprehensive way:

It is important to note that such a remedy for closed comedones as internal reception of medical sulfur in demodicosis is already outdated. This substance is prescribed only externally.