Demodecosis - treatment of facial skin

Ticks that live in the hair follicles of a person, until now provoke violent disputes with dermatologists. Some deny its negative impact, others associate with it 75% of cases of acne. One way or another, it is not easy, but it is possible to defeat demodicosis: face skin treatment will take at least six months, but the results will be noticeable from the second week of therapy.

Demodectic skin disease

This disease is provoked by the microscopic tick Demodex Folliculorum, which lives in the hair follicles and feeds on sebum. During the processing of fat by the digestive system of the microorganism, toxic substances are released which cause irritation and inflammation of the skin. It manifests as a painful subcutaneous rash, purulent pimples.

It should be noted that the mite, in any case, dwells in the follicles of the eyelashes, so skin therapy will be useless without taking appropriate measures for the eyelids.

Skin care with demodicosis

The basis of treatment is the inhibition of the digestive system of the microorganism, as well as the elimination of inflammatory processes in the dermis and epidermis.

Complex therapy of demodectic skin of the face is as follows:

  1. Daily 3-yard wash with Cytaleal solution with water (proportions 1: 8).
  2. Applying in the first month of treatment Metrogil gel (in the morning), permetrine ointment (in the middle of the day) and any chatting with high content of purified sulfur (in the evening).
  3. Use in the future of lotions and liniments with erythromycin, clindamycin, and tetracycline.
  4. Regular application of anti-acne masks.
  5. Cryotherapy of the skin.
  6. Receiving sulfur powder inside.
  7. Compliance with the diet with the exception of sweet, fatty and fried foods.
  8. Restriction of the use of decorative cosmetics, moisturizing and nourishing creams.

As already mentioned, the skin disease of demodicosis is always associated with eye damage - demodectic eyelids . Therefore, you should simultaneously do eyelash massage 2-3 times a week (using a glass rod to extract the contents of the hair follicles together with live and dead mites). In addition, it is important to use for 10-12 days a drop in the eyes with antibiotics and potassium iodide, which have a harmful effect on microorganisms. Effectively helps ointment Demazol, it must be carefully rubbed into the skin along the line of eyelash growth in the morning and in the evening. Naturally, the use of mascara, podvodok and pencils for the eyes is absolutely forbidden, since ticks can live in cosmetics for a long time.