Cherry Confiture

Blanks from cherry are always fragrant with a rich berry taste and therefore are very popular. Today we will tell you how to make a cherry confiture and offer a variant of delicacy with gelatin, pectin and with the addition of viburnum.

Confiture of cherries without pits with gelatin - a recipe for winter



For the preparation of confiture fresh cherries are washed thoroughly and poured for an hour with cool water, after which the water is drained, we let the berries drain, a few of them are dried and released from the bones. The soak procedure will make sure that there are no worms in the cherries, and if even an uninvited guest finds himself in one of the berries, during this time he will definitely leave the cherry and come to the surface.

Now you need to grind the cherry. This can be done with the help of a meat grinder or use a blender for this purpose. The resulting berry mass is placed in a jar for confiture, cover with sugar and let stand for about an hour.

We set the vessel with the workpiece on the stove after a lapse of time and warm it up, stirring, to a boil. After this, reduce the heat until the barely noticeable boiling of the base for the confiture and cook it for thirty minutes. Gelatin granules are filled with water and leave to swell. Next, add to the boiled cherry mass a couple of pinch of vanillin and mix. Remove the container from the fire, add the swollen gelatin to the pan and stir the contents until all gelatinous granules are completely dissolved. We pour out the resulting preform according to previously sterilized jars, seal them with sterile lids and allow the containers to cool down to the bottom, after which we can store them for storage in the cellar or pantry.

How to cook for a winter confiture of cherries and viburnum?



In the delicacy prepared according to this recipe, useful properties of the viburnum in combination with the stunning taste of cherry berries create simply an irreplaceable composition for dessert. The nutritional value of any bake or other dish, supplemented with such confiture, increases at times.

Prepare this kind of confiture simple. But due to the fact that cherries and viburnum have different periods of maturation as raw materials, one of the components will have to be taken frozen. The most commonly used is a frozen, seedless, cherry and fresh viburnum. The latter must be rinsed, sorted, put in a colander and blanched in boiling water for three minutes. After that, grind the berries through a sieve and mix the resulting puree with thawed cherries along with its juices, which, if desired, can be left whole or crushed with a blender. Add sugar to the berry mass and put it on the fire.

From the cherries during thawing, merge a little juice and soak gelatinous granules in it. After the confiture has been boiled for half an hour, remove it from the heat and add the swollen gelatin. Stir the contents of the dishes until all the granules are completely dissolved, after which we pour the workpiece over dry and sterile containers, seal the lids and put them in a cool place for storage.

Confiture of cherries with pectin



Fresh cherries are prepared taking into account the recommendations stated in the first recipe, after which we put the pitted berries in a suitable container and fall asleep with sugar, leaving four tablespoons for pectin.

After three or four hours, we put the billet with berries on the stove and heat it, stirring, to a boil. After the cherry mass is boiled on a moderate fire for five minutes, mix the pectin with the remaining sugar and pour the resulting mixture into a container with a preform. Intensively stir the contents to an even distribution of pectin in the volume of berry mass, let it boil for two minutes and remove from heat. Now we pour cherry confiture with pectin on pre-sterilized jars, screwed with sterile dry lids and turn the containers upside down, until completely cooled.