Pumpkin caviar

Perhaps there are many people who have not only never tried this dish, but have not even heard of it. Tell in detail how caviar is cooked from pumpkin.

The first method is fast



For caviar you need to pick a pumpkin very carefully, because from a wrong vegetable you will get a tasteless dish, reminiscent of the taste of porridge. Therefore, we are looking for a fruit not very large, "Muscatnaya", with a fragrant dense dark orange flesh. When we separate the peel (it is very dense and it is not easy to peel it off, try not to get hurt) and seeds, about 1 kg of pulp should remain. We rub it on a grater (preferably medium or shallow). Also on the grater are three carrots, peeled with vegetable peeling. Onions are cleaned and shredded finely. We warm the oil well in a saucepan or cauldron, put onions. When it changes color, add carrots and pumpkin. Reduce the heat and cover. Our mixture lasts about 10 minutes, after which we remove the lid and begin to evaporate the juice. When the caviar reaches the desired consistency (minutes after 10), salt, season and add to taste finely chopped greens and pressed through the press garlic. Such pumpkin caviar (recipe base) is good for the winter. We increase the number of ingredients proportionally and, when the caviar is ready, we place it in sterile jars .

If there is time



On the baking sheet lay out cleanly washed peppers and tomatoes, onions and sliced ​​pumpkin slices. Bake until ready - the time of cooking peppers and pumpkin is different, so do not leave the kitchen for a long time. With vegetables we remove peel, we remove seeds from peppers. In the blender we put the peeled onion, the pumpkin, from which the skin was cut (it is much easier to cut off the baked pumpkin), pepper, garlic, tomatoes and spices. Solim and pour oil. Whisk until smooth.

If you like spicy food, you will need a sharp pumpkin caviar, its recipe is the same, except garlic in a blender, put a pepper without seeds ("Chile" or "Sparkle").

If you are not afraid of high-calorie food, exclude oil: the same recipe is prepared delicious pumpkin caviar with mayonnaise , for the winter it is not harvested, yet mayonnaise should be consumed in fresh form. In any case, pumpkin caviar for the winter is prepared simply and quickly.