Prayer on the day of birth for the fulfillment of desire, love, marriage and health

Birthday is not just a favorite holiday, but also an ideal time to read prayers to ask for help from the Higher Powers. It is believed that the connection with heaven on this day is as strong as possible, so all sincere appeals will be heard.

Prayer to the guardian angel on his birthday

Believers believe that reading the prayer on this feast is a manifestation of love for the Lord and a person should thank him for his life and ask for protection, fulfillment of desires and other blessings. The main link between God and man is the guardian angel, to which you can apply with different requests. It is recommended before the birthday of confession and communion. A very strong prayer on the day of birth is to a greater extent considered a guardian.

  1. In the morning it is recommended to go to church for service. Going home, buy candles.
  2. At home, being alone, light the candles before the image of Jesus Christ, the Virgin and Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  3. Watching the flame for some time, thank the angel for the opportunity to live another year. After that, the prayer is read on the birthday of the angel.
  4. Words repeat three times, and after that it is recommended to address the Lord in your own words.

Prayers on the birthday of the execution of desire

To increase your chances of realizing your dream, you can enlist the support of the Higher Powers. It is important to understand that the desired will not fall on the head and will not be presented on the platter, since the Lord helps only those who work and deserve it. Thanks to his assistance, the circumstances will develop, as well as possible, the main thing, to believe in it.

  1. The prayer for the birthday of the fulfillment of the desire must be pronounced at the time when the person was born. Most parents know this information.
  2. If a person does not know when he was born, then it is better to pronounce the text right after awakening right in bed. You need to light a candle, so put it in advance next to you.
  3. The text is better to learn by heart, but if it's hard, then manually write it on paper and read, but without hesitation.
  4. Prayer on your birthday helps to save energy, protect yourself from the negative and tune in for the next year.

Mother's prayer on his son's birthday

Each mother has the opportunity to help her child, protecting him from various misfortunes in life. For these purposes, there is a prayer on the birthday of his son, which will protect him from diseases, bad companies, damage and other problems. Clergymen assure that sincere maternal prayer is able to perform miracles and helps to cope with any evil.

  1. Prayer to the Lord on his birthday should be read three times over the birthday boy early in the morning.
  2. You can pronounce the text directly in the temple in front of the image of the Mother of God or the main patron saint of children, Nikolai the Sinner.
  3. Be sure to put a candle in the church for the health of your child.

Mother's Prayer on her daughter's birthday

With the help of prayer, a mother can take care of her child at any age to protect him from disappointments, sorrows and various problems. It should be said that the girls in energy are weaker than boys, so they need more support from the Higher Forces. Prayer for a daughter on her birthday can be pronounced in church or at home, most importantly, before the image of the Virgin. The rules of her pronunciation are identical in the case of a petition for a son.

Prayer for a birthday for good luck

Who will refuse the concurrence of fortune in solving various problems and in achieving new heights? To attract good luck, there is a special strong prayer on the birthday, which must be read at a time when a person is born.

  1. Prepare three soft church candles so that they bend, but do not break. Still need to take a white tablecloth and saucer.
  2. The prayer on the birthday should be pronounced in the room where the person sleeps. Cover any surface with a cloth and put a saucer in the center. You need to stand up in front of the table and look to the east.
  3. Take the candles, hold them a little near your chest and imagine how everything works out for you.
  4. Twist the candles among themselves, moving from the bottom up. Burn the candles, place them in the center of the saucer and say the prayer on your birthday 12 times. It's important not to get lost.
  5. Candles should completely burn out and at this time it is forbidden to leave the room. Then lay the tablecloth and saucer in a secret place. You can not use them until the next holiday.

Prayer for your birthday on marriage

Girls who want to go under the crown, but do not receive the coveted offer of the hand and heart, can turn to the Matron of Moscow. This saint is considered the main assistant in solving love problems. The prayer on the day of birth for marriage can be pronounced in the church before the image of the saint and at home, but also before the icon. It is important to believe that the Matrona will certainly hear the petition and will make sure that the desired becomes a reality.

Prayer for a birthday on health

No benefits are needed, if there is no health, so they want the birthday person very often. To protect yourself from various ailments, you can ask for protection of the Higher Powers. The main assistant in this matter is Nicholas the Wonderworker who, during his lifetime, was known for his healing abilities. A very strong prayer on the day of your birth should be pronounced before the image of a saint who can be found in the church or buy an image home. You can say the words at any time, but better at the time of your birth.

Prayer for a birthday on love

Lonely people on their holiday can turn to the Higher Forces to ask them to bring their second half closer. You can do it in your own words, which will allow you to express a request from the heart. Church prayer on its birthday is strong in that it creates special sound vibrations.

  1. To start praying, it is recommended to light a church candle next to you and concentrate on your desire to meet your beloved. It is recommended to supplement the reading of the prayer on the day of birth with visualization, presenting the image of a man.
  2. During the pronunciation of the text, it is necessary to concentrate energy at the level of the solar plexus, where the heart chakra is located.
  3. First, you say the prayer in a full voice, then in a half whisper and a third time to yourself.

Prayer for money on birthday

You can bring prosperity to yourself through sincere appeals to the Higher Powers. The strongest prayer on the day of birth must come from a pure heart and with great faith in the result, since any doubts will serve as an obstacle.

  1. It has already been said that it is best to say prayers at the hour when a person was born. If this information is unknown, then it is best to pray at the time the sun went down. This information is easy to learn.
  2. In advance it is necessary to prepare the church candle and the icon of the Almighty.
  3. First, light the candle and read "Our Father", and then, repeat the prayer 12 times.
  4. After that, extinguish the candle, wrap it in a clean cloth or a sheet of paper and hide it behind the icon. She must stay there until the next birthday.
  5. A year later the ritual can be repeated, but with a new candle, and take the old one to the church and put it to health.