Baby diet at 6 months

Time quickly flies, and now your favorite crumb has six months. With each passing month, it is increasingly developing, changing. The changes also affect the diet. And it's natural - at about the age of six months, the crumbs begin to introduce complementary foods, which makes the need for breast milk or mixture to decrease. The child becomes more active, spends more energy, and therefore his diet undergoes changes. And so that young mothers had no difficulties, we will tell you in detail about the baby's diet for 6 months.

Breast feeding at 6 months

Six months is the age when the baby begins a transition period before the adult diet, when the daily ration consists of breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. At this time, the baby, as a rule, need to introduce complementary foods , starting with vegetable or fruit purees, dairy-free cereals (depending on the individual characteristics of the baby). As you know, a new dish is given to a child with small doses - ΒΌ-1/2 teaspoonful. Gradually, its volume should be increased to the size of a full breakfast or lunch, that is, 150 g. Later, other foods are replaced by lure. It is better to give lure before you put it to your chest when the baby is hungry. And only then satisfy his desire to suck his beloved mother "sisyu."

Thus, the feeding regimen at 6 months may look like this:

Approximately so, the food regime of a six-month-old child should look like. Of course, the feeding time for your child may not coincide with the proposed. However, it is important that between the intake of food the time interval of 3.5-4 hours is observed, so that the baby is gradually accustomed to the adult regime. Besides, ideally, the child, after putting his breast in the evening, slept without waking up, until the early morning. However, many infants require breast at night, and should not refuse their crumbs.

The diet of a six-month-old baby on artificial feeding

As you know, kids on artificial nutrition are introduced complementary foods a little earlier - from 4 or 5 months on the recommendation of the pediatrician, since nutrients and nutrients in it is not enough. By the age of six, children are already familiar with various vegetable and fruit purees, juices, dairy and dairy-free cereals, yolks, vegetable and butter, biscuits and cottage cheese. That is why, in the regime of feeding a baby for 6 months on artificial feeding, the diet is more diverse than that of a baby:

As you can see, gradually dairy dishes will be replaced by fruit, vegetable and meat dishes. When feeding artificial children, it is recommended to observe between meals four hours. Do not give any snacks, so that the baby feels hungry and ate the proposed food with appetite. Some children at this age require a mixture at night. If your child wakes up, do not refuse your favorite crumb in the bottle of the mixture.