Carpal tunnel syndrome

Some professions associated with the constant performance of monotonous flexion-extension movements by the hands lead to the development of carpal tunnel syndrome. This disease is peculiar, mainly, to women of mature age after 40 years. It arises because of compression or infringement of the median nerve located between the transverse ligament and the bones of the wrist, it can develop against the background of mechanical injuries, inflammatory diseases of the joints, disruption of the endocrine system, tumors.

Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome

In the early stages of the progression of carpal tunnel syndrome, clinical manifestations are poorly expressed, so patients rarely seek help.

The further development of the disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

If there is a bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome, the disease affects first the working, leading arm, and only then the second limb.

It should be noted that the pathology under consideration is not always accompanied by all the listed symptoms, in some cases the loss of muscle strength and changes in the accuracy of movements are not observed.

How to treat carpal tunnel syndrome?

Before starting therapy it is important to establish the root causes of the disease, if they do not consist of anatomical or occupational predisposition. Treatment of diseases that provoked the development of carpal tunnel syndrome, will help to eliminate the squeezing and pinching of the nerve.

Drug therapy consists, as a rule, in alleviating the symptoms of pathology:

1. Reception of non-steroidal agents for the removal of inflammation and pain. Assign the following drugs:

2. Use of diuretics. Help remove these swelling medications:

3. Use of vasoactive tablets. These drugs can improve regional circulation:

4. Injection or internal administration of corticosteroids. In the early stages of tunnel carpal syndrome helps:

5. Introduction of local anesthetics directly into the hand. As a rule, injections Novokaina and Lidocaine.

In addition to medicines, it is required to limit the mobility of the damaged arm and relieve the load from the wrist. For this purpose, a special tire is applied for a period of 2 weeks.

Also, with carpal tunnel syndrome LFK is prescribed, exercises of the complex of gymnastics are aimed at strengthening and stretching muscles, ligaments and tendons. Alternatively, you can practice yoga , the effectiveness of which has been proven clinically, unlike other similar therapies (acupuncture, chiropractic, manual, acupuncture).

If the described scheme of therapy did not help, and the symptoms do not subside for more than half a year, a surgical operation is performed to open the carpal tunnel and release the median nerve.

Treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome with folk remedies at home

Unconventional medicine in the described pathology serves as an additional way to stop pain and inflammation. Good help alcohol tinctures for grinding.

Cucumber medicine


Preparation and use

Cut the cucumbers into cubes, mix them with chopped pepper. Pour a lot of vodka and place it in a glass jar. Insist 1 week (in the refrigerator). Daily rub the tincture into sick brushes.