Biography of Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio is an actor who achieved fame thanks to his remarkable talent. DiCaprio has not only become a celebrity, he manages to be a star on Hollywood Olympus for many years.

The biography of actor Leonardo DiCaprio

It turns out that not only American, but also Italian, German, and even Russian blood flows in the veins of the famous actor. Our compatriot and grandmother of Leonardo on a maternal line at an early age emigrated from Russia to Germany. Parents Leonardo DiCaprio - comic artist George DiCaprio and secretary Irmelin Indenbirken dispersed almost immediately after the birth of his son. The boy stayed with his mother, thanks to her, he received his sonorous name - Irmelin named the child after the artist Leonardo Da Vinci.

DiCaprio was born on November 11, 1974. For the first time appeared on the screen a boy in his early childhood - Leonardo DiCaprio in two years took part in a children's show. Then there was a long break, the young actor returned to the stage at the age of 14. At this age, he felt a craving for the world of cinema, found his first agent and began to punch his way to the heights of glory. This road required tremendous efforts - the young man combined his studies at the California school and more than a busy schedule of filming. The teenager did not allow himself to relax - during his studies he starred in at least three dozen commercials and in several series of "Santa Barbara". The first serious work of Leonardo DiCaprio was the painting "The true story of this guy."

Star Trek and the awards of Leonardo DiCaprio

The further career of the actor developed quickly and successfully:

Hollywood celebrity has a huge number of awards. The great acting talent of Leonardo DiCaprio, his diligence almost annually receives attention of film critics and film guilds.

Personal life of Leonardo DiCaprio

The family for Lenardo DiCaprio at the moment is just a matter of dreams. Despite the fact that many charming women have visited Leo in the arms of a charming model - Helena Christensen, Gisele Bundchen , Bar Raphaely, Anna Vyalitsyna, Blake Lively , Erin Heatherton, the actor did not have a serious relationship with any of them. Leonardo DiCaprio is not against his wife and children - he himself admits this, several years ago he even planned to marry Bar Rafaeli, however, before the wedding the matter never came to pass. The lack of family in his biography Leonardo DiCaprio explains that he works very hard, does not appear at home for several months and simply can not have a stable relationship because of this.

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But if you believe the latest news about the personal life of Leonardo DiCaprio, the model Kelly Rohrbach may well become a companion to the life of the actor - he recently introduced his family.