Can I get parsley pregnant?

Only a woman learned that soon she was destined to become a mother, she began to take a very responsible attitude to what is included in her diet. It has long been known that parsley, which is often added to the first and second dishes, can very negatively affect pregnancy. In this regard, a natural question arises - can pregnant fresh parsley, as well as all kinds of seasonings with its use.

The benefits of fresh parsley

The chemical composition of the plant includes all the necessary vitamin C, and in large quantities. This means that parsley is indispensable for spring avitaminosis and helps the body to increase immunity, which is especially important in pregnancy.

In addition, parsley contains a lot of iron in easily digestible form, and everyone knows that pregnant women often suffer from anemia, and the fruit - from hypoxia due to low content of ferrum in the blood. In addition, folic acid, so necessary at the very beginning of pregnancy for the proper formation of the nervous system, is also found in the greenness of fresh parsley. So the answer to the question whether it is possible to eat parsley during pregnancy is simple - yes, of course, it is possible and necessary, since this healing and tasty spicy plant makes up for itself the balance of minerals and vitamins in the body.

Harm from parsley in pregnancy

In order not to harm a baby, there is parsley in pregnancy if you can observe the necessary norm. This means that the greens do not hurt, if you add it a little to salad and soup, but without fanaticism.

But there is a bunch of parsley bunches, because in large quantities it can cause muscle spasms and even miscarriage due to increased uterus tone. This can happen at any time, but most of all caution refers to the first trimester. So the greens should be used competently, and then it will only benefit the mother and the growing body of the baby.