Sugar in the urine during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the female body is affected by a huge number of factors that allow a woman to adapt to such an important and new condition. All internal organs are under tremendous strain, since now it is necessary to support the life activity of not one but two organisms. Sometimes there is sugar in the urine during pregnancy. If its level is exceeded, special attention must be paid to this. Let's figure out which sugar in the blood is the norm during pregnancy.

Sugar in a pregnant woman

It is important to know that in the norm of glucose in the urine of the future mother should not be. If it is found, the doctors usually prescribe additional tests, because a single detection of glucose should not be a reason for panic, and even more so, the basis for diagnosing "diabetes mellitus." In addition, often a slight increase in this indicator can be regarded as normal for the period under review.

The consequences of increased sugar in pregnancy

If the results of the study reveal a high sugar level during pregnancy, it is necessary to conduct numerous repeated tests, as well as pay attention to the accompanying symptoms, such as:

Increased sugar in the urine of pregnant women in the presence of these symptoms may indicate a so-called "diabetes of pregnant women . " The cause of this condition is an increased load on the pancreas that produces insulin. The glucose level is normalized at 2-6 weeks after the birth of the baby, but if it remains the same as in the bearing of a child, the diagnosis is "diabetes mellitus . "

Low sugar in pregnant women in urine is not an indicator, because the level of glucose in the bearing of the child should be zero.

How to take the test for sugar during pregnancy?

In order to determine whether there is glucose in urine in a future mother, it is important to refrain from eating sweet, alcohol, and also from physical and emotional loads. The material should be collected early in the morning after a mandatory hygienic toilet (immediately the whole portion, which after mixing is mixed and poured into a special container of 50 ml volume). The collected urine can not be stored. It should be delivered to the laboratory within 1-2 hours.