Hematoma in the uterus during pregnancy

Hematoma in the uterus during pregnancy appears in the case when the fetal egg for some reason exfoliates from the uterine wall, after which the blood accumulates in the place of exfoliation. Hematoma in pregnant women is observed quite often. Depending on the degree of severity, it can lead to all sorts of complications and even provoke a miscarriage. However, when hematoma is detected during pregnancy, treatment is usually effective.


The main method of diagnosing the hematoma in the uterus is ultrasound. The presence of hematoma in the uterus during pregnancy can be testified by:


Hematoma in the uterine cavity can have three degrees of severity.

  1. Easy. In this situation, the disease may not manifest itself in any way and only after childbirth. At the same time, the birth takes place in the usual way. If the hematoma is found during pregnancy, it is necessary to take measures to dissolve it.
  2. Average. There is pain in the lower abdomen, there may be spotting from the genital organs. The larger the size of the hematoma during pregnancy, the more likely the occurrence of bleeding. These symptoms require urgent medical attention.
  3. Heavy. Characterized by severe pain, possible loss of consciousness, bleeding and low blood pressure. Childbirth is performed by cesarean section before the natural term.

Causes of uterine hematoma

The causes of hematoma in pregnancy can be varied. Among them:

Treatment of hematoma in the uterus

Treatment of pregnant women is always difficult, since during the gestation period, most medicines and medicinal herbs can not be taken. Therapy of the uterine hematoma should be directed first of all at stopping its increase. Usually, drugs are prescribed for this purpose, which increase the coagulability of the blood. In order that these medicines do not cause irreparable harm to the child, in no case can they be used by their own decision, without warning the doctor.

Relatively safe for the body of pregnant vikasol, askorutin and dicinone. Often when the hematoma is detected during pregnancy, treatment involves the use of but-spines and papaverine. To stop bleeding helps askorutin.

During treatment it is important to adhere to bed rest, as little as possible nervous and eat right. It is recommended to drink a lot of liquid (kefir, juices, compotes). Sexual life for this period should be excluded. These measures will help to quickly eliminate the disease and avoid the negative consequences of hematoma in pregnancy.

Hematoma during pregnancy can gradually resolve, leaving blood secretions from the vagina. How much hematoma leaves during pregnancy - depends on its size. Depending on the complexity of the situation, a woman can be put under the supervision of doctors, or left to be treated at home, with periodic monitoring of the gynecologist.