13 week of pregnancy - what happens?

Behind the most exciting period is the first trimester of pregnancy, and with it many fears and uncertainties in the future. With the onset of the 13th week of pregnancy, a woman wants to know thoroughly what is happening in the body with her, and her growing baby.


Of course, one can not be unambiguously sure that toxicosis at the 13th week of pregnancy will come to naught, and will not bother anymore. This happens, alas, not with everyone.

But most often (especially if the toxicosis was poorly expressed), it passes without a trace, and already at the beginning of the new trimester, the future mother about him already does not remember. If the nausea still bothers you, you should not be upset, it will gradually become less and by 16-20 weeks, when the baby starts moving, it will pass.


External changes, yet imperceptible some a couple of weeks ago, are becoming apparent. This is especially true of the chest, because at the 13th week of pregnancy it continues to grow actively and the fatty tissue is replaced by glandular, for future lactation.

Anxiety about the unpleasant and often painful sensations in the chest is no longer - they are in the past, when the hormonal system was intensively rebuilt in a new way.


This time, perhaps, can be called calm, which means that the uterus at the 13th week of pregnancy is not periodically tinged, as during the dangerous periods (8-9 weeks). But this does not mean that you can negligently treat your health. Moderately active way of life without excess and overstrain will allow you to fully enjoy your condition and watch the growing tummy.

By the way, he has grown up a little and can already be seen in some pregnant women under light clothing. But it looks more like a mildly recovered mom and an unknowing person can not distinguish between the tummy and the "pregnant one."

How does the baby change?

Development of the fetus at the 13th week of pregnancy is very active, its weight is already 20 grams. It weighs a little peach or average plum. The more time becomes, the faster the body mass gain in the baby.

The size of the fetus at the 13th week of pregnancy is 65 to 80 mm. Such a big difference can be due to the individual characteristics of the future little man. After all, there are tall and low people among adults. Outwardly the baby begins to look more and more like a little man.

Gastrointestinal tract acquired villi, which will soon be involved in the process of digesting food. The pancreas is already producing insulin, and the germs of the future milk teeth are already in the gum.

The movements of the baby are getting more active, and soon mom will be able to feel them. In the meantime, they are not yet strong enough to be felt. Vocal cords of the baby are laid at the 13th week.

Analyzes and examinations at week 13

Anyone who for some reason has not undergone ultrasound now, it's time to make up for it. Often in this period very clearly visible sex of the baby, but during the second ultrasound monitoring it is not so good.

All tests in the first trimester have already been submitted and now a woman can only pass to narrow specialists, and before each visit to the women's consultation to give a general analysis for blood and urine.

Nutrition of a woman at 13 weeks of pregnancy

Now, when many toxicosis has already passed, or has become much less, there is a great desire to not limit yourself in anything and eat foods that you did not even want to look at recently. This is fraught with a sharp jump in weight and rapid addiction, which in the future will lead to an excessive mass of both mother and child.

Therefore, a healthy lifestyle in this period is a correct, balanced diet and, of course, regular exercise. It is better to give preference to easily digestible products, such as vegetables, fruits, dairy products. This good habit will be very relevant and with further breastfeeding.