Diet "4 table"

Even in the last century, the doctor Pevzner invented a system of dietary nutrition, which alleviates the condition with various diseases. For example, the diet "table №4" is intended to help with sharp exacerbations of diseases of the intestines, which are accompanied by intense diarrhea. Since then, a more perfect system has not been created, and to this day doctors recommend that patients eat Pevzner.

Features of the diet "table number 4"

Nutrition according to the type of the fourth table is designed to reduce inflammation, eliminate rotting in the intestines, normalize its functions and improve the performance of other organs of the digestive tract. Since it is designed specifically for exacerbation, a fairly strict framework is envisaged - carbohydrates (up to 250 g) and fats (up to 70 g) are sharply limited, but the percentage of protein in the diet remains normal (90 g). At the same time, it is assumed that the consumption of salt is reduced to 8-10 g, and an increase in the consumption of water is 1.5-2 l.

Eat 5-6 meals a day in small portions. All food, so as not to irritate the gastrointestinal tract, must be liquid or semi-liquid, mashed, cooked on water or steamed, exceptionally warm (not cold and not hot). Completely banned are those products that enhance the processes of putrefaction and fermentation in the intestine - a list of them we will consider below.

Menu diet "table number 4"

Consider the approximate diet of one day as part of a diet for Pevzner, which will help in a few days to normalize the patient's condition:

  1. Breakfast: porridge on water mashed, curd casserole, tea.
  2. The second breakfast: broth of a dogrose.
  3. Lunch: liquid soup with manga, mashed rice, steam cutlets, kissel ;
  4. Snack: cocoa in water with or without sugar.
  5. Dinner: buckwheat on water, mashed, tea.
  6. At night: kissel.

This is not the only variant of the diet. Having become acquainted with the lists of allowed and forbidden products, you can easily compose a diet for your taste.

The allowed products of the "table 4" diet according to Pevzner

Despite rather strict restrictions, this diet still presupposes a varied diet that will have a healing effect on the gastrointestinal tract. So, let's consider the list of allowed, recommended products and dishes:

From these products you can make many different menu options, which allows you to fully eat, even during a period of severe exacerbation and serious condition. By the same principles, the diet of the "table 4" diet for children is compiled.

Prohibitions of the therapeutic diet "table number 4"

In order to eliminate the discomfort as soon as possible and improve the condition of the body, it is necessary to exclude from the diet such components:

Using all the rules of the "table №4" diet, you will quickly return to normal life and restore your health.