Short frenum in a newborn

A tongue fringe is a fold formed by the oral mucosa located between the base of the tongue and the bottom of the mouth. If the frenum is fixed only to the base of the tongue, then in abnormal cases it can reach its middle and even the tip. Disease is diagnosed, as a rule, immediately after birth and is called - a short frenum of the newborn .

Signs of a short frenum in newborns

A short frenum under the tongue of the newborn has a negative effect on the feeding process. During breastfeeding, the tongue performs a peculiar function of the pump, which creates a vacuum in the mouth, thanks to which the milk in sufficient quantities flows out of the breast.

The short frenum of the tongue in newborns limits the mobility of the tongue. Because of this, little milk enters the baby's body. During feeding, these children can hear the smacking sounds, the child quickly becomes tired, from fatigue, he has a tremor of the lower jaw. The result of constant malnutrition is a small increase in weight and, as a consequence, hypotrophy. If you look at the language of the baby, you can see that it is curved in an arc and does not reach the tips of the lower incisors.

Is it necessary to prune a bridle to a newborn?

Parents whose children have this deviation, the natural question arises: "When to prune a bridle in newborns?". A short frenum of the tongue in a newborn requires immediate cropping only in cases when there are problems with feeding, or with the formation of the dentition. In situations where violations are associated solely with the pronunciation of sounds, waiting tactics are chosen. The subsequent sessions at the speech therapist are able to correct the defect.

Where to cut a bridle to a newborn?

If there is a need for surgery, then, of course, it should be conducted in a specialized institution of the organization of public health by a surgeon. The operation does not belong to the category of severe interventions, it is performed within half an hour. Often it is done right in the hospital.