Chemical Diet

The chemical diet, despite its name, does not at all imply food by chemical additives or substances alone. It got its name from the fact that, unlike most diets, it was based not on the theory of caloric intake, but on the chemical reactions of the organism itself.

Diet on chemical reactions: the basis

A diet based on chemical reactions presupposes strict adherence to the diet. You can not replace products, or add something. Your diet should be the strictest way to meet the menu, otherwise there will not be any benefit.

The secret of the diet is that in the diet is often found such a useful product, like chicken eggs. It is proved that if a person starts his day with eggs, he feels a sense of satiety for a long time and eats less during the whole day. However, in order for eggs to digest well, they need to be heat treated for a short time: in this sense, eggs boiled soft-boiled, much more useful than all others - both boiled hard boiled and fried.

Chemical diet: menu

Egg chemical diet is designed for a whole month. During this time, you can not change the diet and go off course - if you, of course, want to see the results. If you ate something that is outside the list, you need to start all the work first.

The first week: breakfast will be the same - ½ grapefruit and 1-2 eggs. The rest of the meals are divided into days:

  1. All day - any fruit, except bananas, mangoes, grapes.
  2. All day - boiled vegetables and salads (all without potatoes).
  3. All day - fruits, vegetables, salads without restrictions.
  4. The whole day - fish, cabbage, leaf salad, boiled vegetables.
  5. The whole day - boiled meat or poultry, boiled vegetables.
  6. One type of fruit without limits in quantity.
  7. One type of fruit without limits in quantity.

Fourth week - products can be eaten without restrictions in any order, but do not add anything!

  1. 4 pieces of boiled meat or quarter of chicken, 4 cucumbers, 3 tomatoes, 1 can of canned tuna without oil, 1 toast, grapefruit.
  2. 2 pieces of fried meat per 100 grams, 4 cucumbers, 1 toast, 3 tomatoes, apple.
  3. 1 tablespoon of cottage cheese, a small bowl of boiled vegetables, a couple of cucumbers and tomatoes, toast, grapefruit.
  4. 1/2 boiled chicken, cucumber, 3 tomatoes, toast, orange.
  5. 2 soft-boiled eggs, vegetable salad, 3 tomatoes, grapefruit.
  6. 2 boiled chicken breasts, a pack of fat-free cottage cheese, toast, a couple of tomatoes and cucumbers, yogurt or kefir, grapefruit.
  7. 1 spoon of cottage cheese, a can of canned tuna without oil, vegetable salad, a couple of tomatoes and cucumbers, a toast, an orange.

As a result, a chemical diet helps to get rid of 15-20 kilograms of excess weight in one calendar month (provided that it is not more than 20% of your body weight). The more complete you are, the more active you will lose weight. If your goal - to lose only 3-5 kilograms, it is better to stop your choice on another food system.