Cold during pregnancy - how to treat?

During the gestation of a baby, the immune system of a woman is invariably weakened. This mechanism is conceived by nature itself, so that the inner environment of the female body does not reject the newly born life, as something alien. After all, absolute compatibility of tissues can only be with clones or identical twins, but not with the future mother and her child.

As a result, the woman's body becomes more accessible for penetration from the outside of various viruses and bacteria. This means that women "in position" are more susceptible to colds than all the rest. And to treat a cold during pregnancy is not an easy task. Since the condition of a woman waiting for a child imposes some, and very serious, limitations on the methods of treatment.

When treating a cold in pregnant women, you need to start to act from the time you have a suspicion of the onset of a cold.

To cure a cold during pregnancy, it is worth starting with a warm and plentiful drink. You can use such drinks as mors, tea, juice, lime-colored decoction, rose hips, milk with butter and honey. But it should be taken into account that excess fluid in the body can cause swelling, so you need to keep under control the amount of consumed beverages.

As for medicines, you need to know that during pregnancy you can not take immunomodulators, antibiotics , antipyretics, drugs that increase pressure and pulse, alcohol tinctures. In extreme cases, it is possible to use Paracetamol (to bring down the temperature and reduce severe headaches), Furacilin (for rinsing the sore throat).

Contraindicated in pregnancy and thermal procedures. You can not soar your legs, as the uterus can reflexively stimulate and cause premature birth or miscarriage. What then to do for a cold to pregnant women? It helps from the sore throat and runny nose to hold hands under hot water. At the very beginning of a cold, it is better to wrap the neck with a warm kerchief or scarf and put on woolen socks.

How do folk remedies help to cure a cold?

The most effective means for treating colds is the usual horseradish. The root of horseradish should be mixed with the same amount of honey. The mixture should be steeped in a warm place for a day, drain and take 1 hour. hourly.

If you have a cough, you can do inhalations with chamomile and sage, which help to soften the inflamed nasopharynx and reduce the runny nose.

For gargles of the throat are perfect suits of calendula, sage or chamomile.

To cure a cold of a pregnant woman you can use, such a delicious and useful treat as honey. It helps a lot if you combine it with briar infusion and lemon. But at the end of pregnancy, too much to overdo with honey is not worth it, so as not to cause an allergy in a child, and at home - diabetes.

Than to treat a rhinitis to pregnant women at cold?

If a pregnant woman is worried about a bad cold, it is better not to use usual vasoconstrictive drops. If a woman can not do without them, then strictly follow the dosage prescribed by the instruction, since the substances contained in the drops can have an adverse effect on the blood supply of the placenta, and this, in turn, can lead to a delay in the development of the fetus.

Use drops in the nose is better only with very strong discharge from the nose.

It is better to wash the nasal passages with a weak saline solution (½ tsp to a glass of water), or use nasal drops on the basis of sea water or to drip two drops of sap.

But most importantly, to cure a cold during pregnancy, you must always observe bed rest during the entire period of the disease. All household chores should be postponed until recovery.