Low hCG in early pregnancy

As a rule, to diagnose the gestation process, a pregnant woman is assigned numerous laboratory tests. One of the main places among these is the analysis on the level of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). It is this biological substance that begins to be synthesized in the body of the pregnant woman, and speaks of the state of the processes directly related to the period of gestation of the baby.

So, often in the early stages of pregnancy, the future mother has a low level of hCG in the absence, it would seem, for any reason. Let's take a closer look at this situation and tell about what can indicate a decrease in the concentration of hCG in the blood of a woman in the situation.

What are the reasons for the low level of hCG in the early stages?

This kind of situation can be noted for violations of the following character:

It is in these situations during pregnancy that hCG may be below normal.

It is worth noting that only one result of such an analysis can not serve as an excuse for making any diagnosis. The thing is that quite often the period of pregnancy is set incorrectly, and therefore the level of the hormone does not correspond to the expected duration of gestation. In such cases, for example, in normal pregnancy, a low increase in hCG concentration can be recorded. That is why a decrease in the level of this hormone is almost always an indication for a more thorough examination of the pregnant woman, the conduct of ultrasound.

Low HCG in pregnancy after IVF may indicate problems of implantation.

Can a normal pregnancy be with low hCG?

It should also be noted that a low level of this hormone may be a lack of its synthesis by the chorion itself. In such cases, a woman is prescribed an injection of this drug to maintain pregnancy and prevent abortion.