HCG with a stiffened pregnancy

One of the most common tests to be given to every pregnant woman, and perhaps even several times, is a test for the level of hCG. It is the presence and growth of this hormone that speaks about the onset of pregnancy and its development. Also, the analysis on hCG is used to determine a frozen pregnancy in the early stages. It is the study of the dynamics of this indicator that allows the attending physician to diagnose, after which measures are taken to remove the deceased embryo from the uterus.

HCG as a test for pregnancy

Chorionic gonadotropin begins to develop in the body of a woman almost immediately after conception. That is why it is used to determine the onset of pregnancy, as well as when controlling the entire process of gestation. On the basis of the definition of hCG almost all home pregnancy tests are based, but a more reliable result shows, of course, a blood test.

As a rule, the test for hCG pregnant women have to pass at least 2 times, and if you suspect a fetal fading - several times more. Also, for example, a lowered level of hCG can be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy, and an elevated late indicator is one of the symptoms of Down's syndrome.

The hormone plays an important role in the formation of the placenta and the proper development of pregnancy. Under its action, progesterone is produced, which helps to prepare the female body for bearing a fetus, and also takes an active part in the formation of the fetus.

The level of hCG in the case of a stiffened pregnancy

Determining the fading of the fetus in the early period is extremely difficult. The fact is that the symptoms of a frozen pregnancy appear only a few weeks after the death of the embryo, and it is still impossible to listen to the heartbeat.

When a frozen pregnancy is detected, a test for hCG, which shows the level of the hormone in the woman's blood, is usually used. This method is considered the most common and effective, because it allows you to accurately diagnose it in the first month of pregnancy.

If fetal fading is suspected, the hCG test is performed several times. Thus, the dynamics of growth of the hormone level is studied. Signs of a frozen pregnancy, after which hCG is usually prescribed, are usually spotting and complaints of the patient for the pulling pain in the lower abdomen, as well as unpleasant sensations in the lumbar region. A symptom that can signal the termination of the development of the fetus in the first trimester of pregnancy, can also become suddenly stopped toxemia.

With a frozen pregnancy, hCG growth stops and may even be less than the previous one. If the level of the hormone stably rises in accordance with the norms, then the pregnancy proceeds successfully. For example, in the first week after conception, hCG will be at least five times the norm for a non-pregnant woman, and by the eleventh week it stops at 291,000 mIU / ml.

Many future mothers are interested in what should be the index of hCG in a frozen pregnancy. As a rule, according to the results of one test, doctors can not provide a clear answer, because each organism is individual. In some cases, the level of the hormone falls rapidly, in others it continues to rise. Only studying the dynamics of hCG growth, as well as comparing the indicators with the norm, will help to make the final diagnosis.

Quite often, the level of hCG with a frozen pregnancy continues to grow, but this growth is quite insignificant - it sharply differs from the indicator, which should be on a certain date.

Rates of hCG in the first trimester of pregnancy