Implantation of the embryo - on what day?

Under implantation in embryology it is customary to understand the process by which the embryo is introduced into the mucous uterine membrane. This process is one of the critical stages of the entire gestation period. After all, the gestation begins immediately. Let's consider it in more detail and answer the frequent question of women: on what day the embryo is implanted into the uterine cavity.

After what time does the implantation take place after fertilization?

Depending on the time of this process, it is customary to allocate early and late implantation.

If we talk about the day on which the early implantation of the embryo into the uterine cavity takes place, then most often this process is observed on the 6-7th day after the end of the ovulatory process in the woman's body. In other words, literally a week later, the released and fertilized egg, by division, turns into an embryo that enters the uterine tube into the cavity of the uterus itself and penetrates into one of its walls.

When answering the question as to which day the late implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall is observed, embryologists say - more than 10 days after the ovulation. It should be noted that this type of implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall is most typical for artificial insemination, i.e. is observed with IVF. This fact is conditioned, first of all, by the fact that the embryo needs time for adaptation after the moment it is put into the uterine cavity.

What conditions are necessary for successful implantation?

It must be said that not always fertilization ends with the onset of pregnancy. Quite often, a fertilized egg, if the fission process fails or the genetic information is violated, dies due to the fact that it can not penetrate the uterine wall. In other words, when the embryo implantation process takes place, it simply does not enter the uterus.

In order for this process to be completed successfully and pregnancy to occur, the following conditions must be met:

In fact, the factors responsible for successful implantation are much greater. Only the main ones are mentioned above.

When there is a process of implantation of the embryo after carrying out its transfer in IVF?

It must be said that with this method of fertilization, the most common reason for the absence of pregnancy is that implantation does not occur.

In order to increase the likelihood of pregnancy, clinics of reproductive medicine are actively using auxiliary techniques, among which can be called hatching - an incision of the embryonic membrane for better its introduction into the endometrium.

Talking about the day on which IVF implantation takes place and how many days it lasts, doctors call the average term of 10-12 days. This fact is easily confirmed by ultrasound. On average, the embryo takes about 40-72 hours to implant into the uterine mucosa, regardless of whether it was natural fertilization or IVF.

Thus, it can be said that the fact on which day of the menstrual cycle implantation of the embryo into the endometrium takes place, practically does not depend on external factors. Considering this, it can be said that on average the implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall occurs in the interval of 8-14 days from the moment of ovulation or on the 20th-26th day after the end of the month. When ultrasound is performed after 14 days and no detection of the embryo is said about the absence of pregnancy, or its interruption on a very short period.