Hypothyroidism in pregnancy

Hypothyroidism is a complex symptom complex, which is developed in response to a violation of the thyroid gland formation of a group of thyroid hormones. The disease can be both congenital and acquired. Congenital hypothyroidism accompanies a person from the moment of birth, whereas the acquired one develops as a result of thyroid dysfunction or after surgical intervention in her work.

Acquired hypothyroidism, in turn, can be primary and secondary. With primary hypothyroidism, the tissue of the thyroid gland itself suffers, and the secondary one is the reaction of the whole organism to the lesions of the entire hypophysial-hypothalamic system responsible for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

Thyroid hypothyroidism and pregnancy

Hypothyroidism in pregnancy is a particularly acute problem. It is extremely important to determine the most appropriate tactics for diagnosing and correcting the functions of the thyroid gland. Such caution is associated with certain features, such as:

Subclinical hypothyroidism in pregnancy

Subclinical hypothyroidism, as it becomes clear from the title, does not have a clear symptomatology and clinical picture. But violations of the thyroid gland can be clearly traced by analysis. So, with subclinical hypothyroidism, the level of TSH-thyroid-stimulating hormone rises, with the level of T4 and T3 remaining in the norm.

The doctors of the whole world are arguing about how dangerous this condition is. Some consider it dangerous because of the subsequent progression of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases, so they insist on its mandatory elimination. Others say that a slight deviation from the norm does not have much influence on the body, and it is enough just to keep the situation under control so as not to miss the transition to manifest hypothyroidism.

But whoever won the dispute, one thing is clear - subclinical hypothyroidism during pregnancy is extremely dangerous. And not only for the fetus, but for the mother.

Hypothyroidism and pregnancy - consequences

First of all, with hypothyroidism the fertility of a woman decreases, that is, its ability to conceive. This is due to irregularities in the process of ovulation. In women with hypothyroidism, the risk of primary ovulatory infertility is twice as high as in healthy women. So the very onset of pregnancy is already problematic. But if pregnancy does occur, the risk of development of certain adverse effects is high.

Among them - a delay in intrauterine development, gestational hypertension, placental abruption. The most unfavorable outcome of hypothyroidism in pregnant women is the loss of a child due to spontaneous abortion in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Due to the fact that before 12 weeks the fetus develops only under the influence of hormones of the maternal thyroid gland, and the period of the first trimester is the most important in laying down important systems and organs, including the brain, it is extremely important that the pregnant woman's blood contains enough hormones thyroid. Only under such condition the child will develop normally.

Otherwise, the risk of developing congenital malformations, various neuropsychiatric disorders, and low level of intelligence in the future is great.