How to save pregnancy?

Preservation of pregnancy is a set of necessary measures to eliminate the causes leading to the termination of pregnancy at various times.

Infectious diseases of the genital area, chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus, chronic infectious diseases of the mother, diabetes mellitus, adrenal glands, ovaries, endocrine gland diseases, intoxication of the body, anomalies of spermatozoa and oocytes, incompatibility with Rh factor may become the causes for the threat of spontaneous miscarriage at early stages. , previously carried out artificial abortions and much more.

In order to understand how to keep the pregnancy late, if there is a threat of miscarriage, you need to know the cause of this threat. And the reasons can be several: genetic disorders of the fetus, severe stress, lifting weights, falling, belly injuries, early placental abruption.

To prevent premature births in the third trimester of pregnancy you need to know the main symptoms of these, which are manifested in:

When these signs appear in their various combinations, it is urgent to seek medical help from a doctor. Depending on the severity of the condition of the fetus and the woman, retention of pregnancy at a later date can be carried out in a hospital or at home. Do not give up hospitalization, if your doctor insists on it. In the hospital you will be provided with constant status monitoring, physical rest and emergency medical care, if necessary.

Preparations for pregnancy

Most often for the preservation of pregnancy, injections or oral administration of no-shpy, magnesium preparations and suppositories with papaverine are used. If there is a lack of hormone progesterone, for the preservation of pregnancy, the drug Utrozhestan or Dufaston is prescribed.

Sewing of the cervix during pregnancy is used in case of its istrmico-cervical insufficiency, that is, its inability to retain the fetus because of its weakness and loose structure.