How to quickly get rid of a hangover?

The morning after a fun evening is rarely good, especially when a lot of alcohol is drunk on the eve. The situation is exacerbated if you need to quickly put yourself in order and find a method how to quickly get rid of a hangover. The most famous and simple way is to drink some more alcohol, but such a radical measure does not suit everyone, especially women.

Medicamentous ways to get rid of a hangover

The pharmaceutical industry offers a variety of drugs designed to relieve hangover syndrome and even eliminate bad breath (fumes). Among them the most popular:

To alleviate the characteristic symptoms (nausea, headache, muscle spasms) it is recommended to take such medications:

How to get rid of a hangover in the morning?

If you are not able to visit the pharmacy and there is nobody to go for medicines, you can try a few simple but effective recipes from traditional medicine:

Also, folk medicine says that any person will get rid at home both from a strong hangover and from an easy syndrome, if he observes 3 basic rules:

  1. Enough to sleep.
  2. Drink lots of clean water.
  3. There are foods containing vegetable fibers (fiber).

These simple tips help to normalize metabolic processes, restore the water-salt balance and improve the digestive system.

The best way to get rid of a hangover

The most effective technique for eliminating the described condition is intravenous infusion. It is used, as a rule, by doctors of the emergency team at drinking bouts, but the dropper is the fastest way to get rid of a hangover. Its action is based on the purification of blood from toxins, released during the breakdown of alcohol, resulting in a state of health improves dramatically. Usually, infusions are placed with physiological saline and glucose. These fluids effectively reduce the concentration of alcohol in the blood, replenish the deficiency of water in the vascular bed, expand the vessels.

If you can not use a dropper, you can make an enema and clean the stomach. In the first case, the siphon method is applied, the procedure is performed 3-4 times in a row to clean water from the intestine. The second method is to drink about 1 liter of fluid, and then cause vomiting. These methods are rather unpleasant, but they allow you to get rid of a hangover within an hour.