During pregnancy throws into a fever

Often from pregnant women you can hear that they can walk down the street in a light jacket and sleep without a blanket even in the most severe frost. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy many women experience a feeling of heat, which is caused by a change in the hormonal background.

A pregnant woman is constantly subjected to hormonal changes, including the fall of estrogen. This phenomenon during pregnancy can cause fever in the chest, neck and head. With these tides, a woman wants to take off her excess clothes or dip into cold water.

But often there are cases when in pregnancy, fever appears in the legs or in the stomach. This may be due to excess weight, which often appears in pregnant women. In this case, you need to mute the "cut diet" in order to relieve the body and ease the burden on all organs.

In general, more than nineteen percent of women during pregnancy experience frequent hot flashes, which usually last from a few seconds to several minutes.

But there are cases when pregnant women feel the heat constantly. Such tides, as a rule, begin in the second or third trimester , and sometimes become more frequent after childbirth. Statistics show that after birth, about ninety percent of women suffer from hot flashes. The explanation of this condition is that after the birth of the baby, the level of hormones drops sharply and remains at this level throughout lactation .

Is this normal, if during pregnancy throws in a fever?

Periodic hot flushes during pregnancy are quite normal natural process. The main thing is that when there are such sensations there is not an increased body temperature. An increase in early pregnancy, which is slightly more than 37 degrees, does not count. But it is worth remembering that the tides can affect the temperature state. If at the initial term of pregnancy a woman has a slightly elevated temperature, then hot flushes can restore her to such indicators that were before fertilization.