Nazivin during pregnancy

Pregnant women are susceptible to all kinds of colds even more than others. SARS and other similar ailments in expectant mothers are often accompanied by a runny nose. In addition, rhinitis is often a manifestation of allergic reactions, which also very often annoy women who are in an "interesting" position.

Regardless of the reason, you want to get rid of this extremely unpleasant symptom as soon as possible. At the same time, during the waiting period of the child, not all traditional medicines can be used. In particular, many girls are wondering whether it is possible to drip such a known drug as Nazivin during pregnancy. In this article we will tell you about this.

Can Nazivin be dangerous to pregnant women?

According to the instructions for use, Nazivin during pregnancy can be used only when the expected benefit for the expectant mother exceeds the possible risk to the fetus. Despite this, most doctors agree that this drug is contraindicated in the waiting period of the baby.

Nazivin belongs to the category of vasoconstrictor nasal drops, and its medicinal effect is explained by the composition of oxymetazoline. The effect of this substance is distributed throughout the body of a pregnant woman. Under such circumstances, the strong vasoconstrictor effect that this drug possesses can negatively affect the normal nutrition of crumbs and placenta.

In addition, in rare cases, the use of any vasoconstrictor drugs and, in particular, Nazivin can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus, which in some cases leads to the threat of termination of pregnancy, and in severe situations and to spontaneous abortion or premature birth.

For this reason, Nazivin during pregnancy can be dangerous, especially in the 1st and 2nd trimester. Starting from the 7th month of expectation of the future baby, the list of permitted medicines is significantly expanded. Including, at this time, you can already use some of the funds from the category of vasoconstrictive drops and sprays, but you should take extra care.

Thus, in the third trimester of pregnancy, in case of acute need Nazivin can be used, but it is better to stop at the minimum dosage of this drug intended for children. However, this drug is not recommended to use more often 2-3 times a day.

There is an even safer way of using baby Nazivin during pregnancy - moisten this liquid with cotton buds and insert them into each nostril or just rub the nasal passages with cotton buds, richly moistened medicinal product.

How can I replace Nazivin during pregnancy?

Since Nazivin, especially with its regular application, can harm the health and life of the future mother and child, it is better to refuse from using it at this time. To choose a suitable remedy that does not cause harm, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist or a therapist.

As a rule, in such cases, rinsing of the nasal passages with water-salt solutions, which can be easily prepared at home, or prepared using sea water, such as Aquamaris or Aqualor, is prescribed. Other drugs may also help, for example, Pinosol, Eva-Menol, Edas-131 or Euphorbium Compositum.

Starting from the 30th week of pregnancy, you can use drops of Tysin, Vibrocil, Ximelin and Galazoline, however, they should not be abused. Drip these funds in each nasal passage once a day and do not take these drugs for longer than 5-7 days in a row.