Embryo 4 weeks

In midwifery practice, the age of the embryo at 4 weeks of gestation is equated to two weeks from conception. In fact, pregnancy already takes place, but the embryo still has the "rank" of the embryo , although it is firmly attached to the walls of the genital organ. A woman may not yet be aware of her situation, but may begin to experience some changes taking place with her emotional and psychological state.

What sensations does the embryo provoke on the 4th week from conception?

In addition to the fact that the future mother notes the absence of the usual monthly, her emotional background dramatically changes. She becomes more resentful and irritable, fatigue and nervousness appear. Special changes undergoes the female breast, which becomes extremely sensitive and even painful. It is also possible the occurrence of abundant colorless or whitish discharge. It is not excluded and the appearance of implantation bleeding, which is a consequence of embryo attachment at the 4th week of pregnancy. It is easily confused with the main sign of miscarriage, so do not neglect visits to a gynecologist.

Ultrasound of the embryo at 4-5 weeks of gestation

At this time, ultrasound examination will show only the yellow body of pregnancy, constantly increasing dimensions of which are needed in order to feed the embryo, until a full placental organ is formed. It is the yellow body that is "occupied" in the production of progesterone. Also on ultrasound, you can see an embryo attached to the wall of the uterus.

Embryo development at week 4

At this stage, the fetus undergoes changes that reincarnate it from the fetal egg directly into the embryo itself. At first glance, it looks like a flattened disk consisting of three layers. Subsequently, the tissues, organs and systems of the baby will grow from them. The size of the embryo at 4 weeks of gestation is only 2 mm, while its length is equal to 5 mm. But with such microscopic dimensions, its development is very active, as it is now the laying of important extra-embryonic organs: the yolk sac, the chorion and the amnion. In the future, they will provide the child with everything necessary for growth.

A human embryo for 4 weeks of gestation requires a woman to follow certain rules of behavior. So, for example, if pregnancy is planned, it is necessary to exclude bad habits in advance and revise the diet. If fertilization is unexpected, then this should be done immediately after the pregnancy is specified.