Sluggish schizophrenia - symptoms and signs

Mental illnesses such as schizophrenia - cause the experts more questions than answers. Sluggish schizophrenia is one of many types of disorders, the etiology of which is still not clear. It is considered a disease of dissent people: philosophers, esoteric people, people of creative mindset.

What is sluggish schizophrenia?

Sluggish or malopredgedentny schizophrenia - a form of schizophrenia with mild or worn symptomatology of manifestation. The disease is weak, without a vivid clinical picture, characteristic of other forms. The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is listed as a schizotypal disorder . In Soviet times, sluggish schizophrenia was "diagnosed" in persons who were subjected to repressive measures.

How to distinguish neurosis from sluggish schizophrenia?

The diagnosis of schizophrenia is often posed by psychiatrists in question. Carefully collected anamnesis, observation - do not always confirm the presence of ailment. Depressive, neurotic and personality disorders in some manifestations are similar to those of poorly qualified schizophrenia, so diagnosis is difficult. The difference between sluggish schizophrenia and neurosis is that the personality of neurotic disorders is preserved. There are other differences:

  1. Neurosis is based on a specific psychotraumatic situation as a starting point aggravated with time (prolonged stress). Schizophrenia is caused genetically.
  2. With a neurosis, a person retains the criticality of thinking and the state of what is happening to him. There is no criticality in schizophrenia.
  3. Over time, the symptoms of sluggish schizophrenia are exacerbated, the personality defect is growing: emotions are scarce, painful fantasies are amplified, the will disappears. Neurosis - a condition that is amenable to correction and reversible.

Sluggish schizophrenia - symptoms and signs

The first signs of the disorder are noted even in adolescence. The debut of sluggish schizophrenia can provoke the use of psychoactive substances, alcohol, a severe stressful situation. The diagnosis is difficult, since the symptoms become vivid only in the prime of the disease. At an early stage, all manifestations are similar to many mental disorders. Sluggish schizophrenia - symptoms:

Symptomatology also depends on the predominant form of slow-onset schizophrenia:

  1. Psychopathic schizophrenia . Characterized by the loss of the "I": looking in the mirror perceive themselves as a stranger. In behavior the pretentiousness, manners prevails, the person is inclined to hysterics. Falseness and a tendency to vagrancy increase.
  2. Neuro-like sluggish schizophrenia . Characterized by the presence of various kinds of phobias, a person over time grows into all sorts of fears:

Signs of sluggish schizophrenia in men

The development of the disease, course and symptomatology depend little on gender , rather on the nature of the warehouse and individual characteristics, but according to average statistical data, sluggish schizophrenia in men begins at an earlier age, progresses faster, treatment is more complex and long-lasting. The peak of the disease is 19-28 years. Signs of a disorder characteristic of men:

Signs of Sluggish Schizophrenia in Women

Sluggish schizophrenia in women has the same symptoms as men, but in less pronounced form. The disease debuts later, develops not so rapidly, the defect of the person is expressed slightly. The treatment lends itself more successfully. Symptoms of sluggish schizophrenia in women:

  1. Appearance: hairstyle, clothes, makeup undergo changes. The woman becomes slovenly, rarely washed, starts vulgarizing and dressing, or completely starts herself.
  2. Home affairs cease to interest a woman, can start bringing home various trash and store.
  3. Mood swings throughout the day: hysterics (laughter, sobbing) aggression or sadness, tearfulness.
  4. Paroxysmal course of the disease.

Schizophrenia - treatment

Sluggish schizophrenia is a serious disorder, slow progression eventually leads to loss of personality and disability of a person. Early suspicion of the disease and the timely detection of ailment contributes to a favorable prognosis and a long-lasting remission stand, when a person is not lost to the community. Treatment of sluggish schizophrenia is the use of drugs in small doses, but regularly: