How to clean bags under the eyes correctly, quickly and forever?

The swelling of the eyelids gives the face a haggard appearance and visually adds age. The problem of the formation of bags under the eyes is familiar to many modern women, but they often solve it incorrectly. To effectively eliminate swelling, you first need to find out why they arise.

Bags under the eyes - reasons

The described defect can appear against the background of external unfavorable conditions and due to serious internal diseases. In the first case, bags under the eyes are formed mainly in the morning or after crying. The second group of causes includes the following pathologies:

Bags under the eyes after sleep

At night the person is in a horizontal position and practically does not move. This leads to a slowing of blood circulation and stagnation of fluid in soft tissues, which is why bags under the eyes are formed in the morning. This kind of puffiness quickly disappears on its own, literally 10-20 minutes after waking up. Another factor contributing to stagnant phenomena is the use of fluid before bed. In this situation, the only way to remove the bags under the eyes is not to drink a lot of water or tea on the eve of rest. The last reception of the liquid should be 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Bags under the eyes after tears

The problem in question arises against the background of irritation of the mucous membranes with salt secreted during crying. It increases due to the additional cause of bags under the eyes of women - the habit of rubbing eyelids with the flow of tears. Crying leads to an expansion of the blood vessels and an increase in the volume of the circulating fluid. Simultaneously, tears penetrate the nasal passages and cause a runny nose, which likewise leads to swelling and swelling of the mucous membranes.

Bags under the eyes for allergies

Pathological reactions of the immune system to different stimuli are often accompanied by swelling of the eyelids. Allergy is considered the most common reason why bags under the eyes do not last long, and the mucous membranes turn red and itch. In the absence of treatment, inflammatory reactions - viral, bacterial or fungal conjunctivitis - are attached to the edema.

Before removing the bags under the eyes on the background of allergies, it is important to establish an irritant. In his role can act:

Bags under the eyes with kidney disease

The urinary system is responsible for removing excess fluid from the body. Any failure in her work explains why under the eyes swellings (sacks) - excess moisture accumulates in soft tissues, provoking their visual swelling. This phenomenon in diseases of the kidneys is observed not only in the eyelid region, but also in other parts of the body, the extremities and face swell more often.

Bags under the eyes for diseases of the heart

First, it is difficult to grasp the relationship between the described group of pathologies and the edema of the eyelids. To understand why there are bags under the eyes in diseases of the cardiovascular system, it is necessary to study the mechanism of their progression. Such diseases damage the muscle tissue and worsen the contractility of the myocardium. Because of this, the blood flow slows down and the amount of biological fluid that the heart can pump out decreases. Blood and lymph stagnate in cavities, soft tissues and intercellular spaces, which provokes pronounced puffiness.

Bags under the eyes - to which doctor to apply?

If the exact cause of the phenomenon under consideration was not established independently, it is necessary to go to the hospital. It is especially important to immediately consult a doctor if there are stable and large bags under the eyes - what to do in such cases, the specialist should decide after finding out the factors that caused the pathology. Find out the cause of puffiness will help:

Bags under the eyes - treatment at home

When the factors provoking edema formation are discovered, the doctor will prescribe appropriate therapy. There are several helper ways to get rid of bags under the eyes faster. The most effective means are special masks for the eyelids. They do not eliminate the cause of the problem, but they provide a good cosmetic effect - they help to accelerate blood circulation and outflow of excess fluid from soft tissues, improve the appearance and turgor of the skin.

Mask from bags under the eyes

Sometimes a woman needs to urgently put a person in order and urgently get rid of edema. The best method of removing bags under the eyes is the use of specialized cosmetics. Antipyretic masks and patches help in 10-15 minutes to eliminate stagnation and dark circles around the eyelids. Professional tools to instantly remove bags under the eyes:

Cream from bags under the eyes

The daily weakly and moderately expressed puffiness of the eyelids disappears with the regular use of caring cosmetics. Effective option, how to remove bags under the eyes at home - in the morning and evening apply a corrective cream. Dermatologists advise the following tools:

Ointment from bags under the eyes

Pharmacological drugs designed to eliminate the puffiness of the eyelids, does not exist. Women simply found an inexpensive and very effective method of how to quickly get rid of swelling under the eyes with the help of local anticoagulants. They instantly stop stagnant and inflammatory phenomena, contribute to the removal of excess moisture from the tissues. Most often, heparin ointment is used for swelling under the eyes, but there are also analogues:

The listed means are undesirable to use regularly, their application is allowed only in emergency cases, when it is necessary to immediately remove swelling, and at hand there is no special cosmetics. These ointments are potent local preparations that are designed to treat serious diseases of blood vessels (thrombosis, varicose veins, hemorrhoids). They can lead to a severe allergic reaction and dangerous side effects.

Bags under the eyes - massage

Qualified cosmetologists recommend lymphatic drainage procedures for fighting swelling. Such manual influence helps to gradually remove bags under the eyes at home and restore the outflow of excess fluid from soft tissues and intercellular spaces. Doing lymph drainage massage is easy - you need to gently paddle your fingers from the bridge of your nose to the temples with light pressure. Before you remove the bags under the eyes of the proposed method, you should carefully clean the eyelids and apply a nourishing cream on them. This will ease the sliding of the fingers and improve the skin condition.

How to remove bags under the eyes of folk remedies?

Natural recipes also help to cope with swelling, but they must be used regularly. The best folk method, how to quickly get rid of bags under the eyes, is rubbing the eyelids with a piece of ice based on herbal decoctions or green tea. A low temperature leads to an instantaneous narrowing of the vessels and the outflow of excess fluid from the cells. This method is not suitable only for women with sensitive skin.

Starch remedy for bags under the eyes


Preparation, use :

  1. Finely grate the peeled root.
  2. Paste with the juice put on 2 gauze napkins.
  3. Place the received compresses on the closed eyes.
  4. After 15 minutes, remove the mask, wipe the skin with a cotton swab soaked in cold tea.

Green mask against swelling


Preparation, use :

  1. Grind the greens so that the juice stands out.
  2. Mix the gruel with sour cream.
  3. The resulting composition is thickly applied to the eyelids.
  4. After 20 minutes, remove the remedy, rinse the skin with warm water.

Compress from bags under the eyes


Preparation, use :

  1. Mix the ingredients.
  2. Saturate the juice mixture of 2 wadded discs, put them on your eyelids.
  3. After 15 minutes, remove the compress.

Pellets from puffiness


Preparation, use :

  1. Dilute buckwheat flour to test.
  2. Blind 2 cakes.
  3. Put them on the eyelids before bed.
  4. Remove the tortillas after 20 minutes.

Berry Mask for the Eyes


Preparation, use :

  1. Mash the fork with berries.
  2. Mix the strawberry puree with chamomile tea.
  3. Apply a thick layer of mask to the eyelids.
  4. After half an hour, rinse the skin with warm water.
  5. Apply a nourishing cream.

Bags under the eyes - treatment by a cosmetologist

Beauty salons offer several effective ways to get rid of puffiness. The most popular techniques for quickly removing bags under the eyes:

  1. Electrostimulation - the supply of electrical impulses to the main motor points of the muscles located in the region of the eyelids.
  2. Mesotherapy - treatment of bags under the eyes with subcutaneous injections with vitamin cocktails.
  3. Lymphatic drainage is an apparatus massage that facilitates the outflow of excess fluid from tissues.
  4. Endermology - vacuum-roller impact on problem areas.
  5. Laser biorevitalization is the introduction of useful chemical compounds under the skin without injections. Penetration of the drug is provided by laser radiation.
  6. Microcurrents - supply low-frequency electric current of low power. Manipulation works at the cellular level.
  7. Compresses and masks - procedures using professional cosmetics.
  8. Massage - a manual version of lymphatic drainage.

How to get rid of bags under your eyes forever?

Sometimes in the region of the lower eyelid, not excess liquid accumulates, but fatty tissue. In such a situation, the only way to permanently remove bags under the eyes and prevent their re-education is blepharoplasty. This is a surgical operation that involves excision of fatty tissues in problem areas. Modern radical removal of bags under the eyes does not lead to the appearance of scars, and the rehabilitation period, including healing, is only 2-3 weeks.