How to strengthen the teeth?

To strengthen the teeth and prevent the appearance of various diseases of the oral cavity in the daily diet must be present minerals - calcium, fluoride, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus and vitamins A, B6, D3, C, dairy products. Also it is necessary that the food is not too hot or cold.

How can I strengthen my teeth at home?

Treatment with the help of recipes from the people's piggy bank will require patience, but it will help to strengthen the teeth and permanently get rid of problems in the oral cavity. Here are some effective ways to strengthen teeth with folk remedies:

  1. Salt. You can simply dip your finger in salt and rub it with your teeth and gum.
  2. Powder of dry milk - they can brush their teeth instead of the usual tooth powder. Disappears bleeding gums, bad breath, slowing the formation of a black plaque on the teeth .
  3. Broth of wormwood - well strengthens teeth and eliminates bad breath. Pour a glass of boiling water one tablespoon of dry shredded leaves of wormwood, insist for 20 minutes, rinse your mouth every time after eating.

What products strengthen teeth?

Nature is rich in products, which with regular use contribute to strengthening the teeth. Here is a list of some of them:

  1. Any greens (parsley, celery, dill) saturates the body with vitamins, strengthens immunity, kills bacteria and cleans tooth enamel from plaque.
  2. Fish and seafood contain a lot of phosphorus, which strengthens the teeth with periodontal disease.
  3. Garlic is rich in zinc, which is an antioxidant, has anti-inflammatory effect with gum bleeding.
  4. Citrus (vitamin C) - help strengthen the mucous membrane of the mouth, strengthens the vessels.
  5. Forest and garden berries - cranberries, cranberries, cloudberries, strawberries, grapes stand up to the appearance of pathogenic bacteria contain pectin, antioxidants, protecting and strengthening tooth enamel.
  6. Dairy products, and especially cheese, increase the calcium content in the body, which strengthens the teeth.
  7. Corn porridge strengthens the teeth, supports their healthy state.
  8. Nuts are rich in tannin and antioxidants, preventing various inflammatory processes and the formation of tartar.
  9. Honey is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements. Its use prevents the development of dental diseases and strengthens the gum.
  10. Green tea - it's good to drink with flower honey instead of sugar.

Strengthening gel for teeth

To strengthen the enamel of the teeth, the remineralizing gel for teeth Roks helps, which helps with caries , eliminates the increased sensitivity of tooth enamel, stabilizes the microflora in the oral cavity, whitens and strengthens the teeth. Apply to clean teeth twice a day.