Mental experience

How does a person differ from animals: walking on two legs, more developed thinking or the ability to experience a variety of emotions? It is unlikely that the answer to this question may be unambiguous, but it is for certain known that without emotional experiences, it is not possible for one person to live - joyful and not very much, they always trap each in the course of life. But what if there are too many emotions, how to live without unnecessary emotions?

What is a psychic experience?

A mental experience is a repeated comprehension of a situation from the past or the future, which is accompanied by an emotional response. Also, psychology divides experiences into 2 groups - passive scrolling of thoughts and feelings related to an event and experiences aimed at restructuring the psychological world in order to establish a correspondence between the inner world and reality.

The peculiarity of internal experiences is that they are launched by people who are inclined towards it, some simply do not know how and do not consider it necessary to waste time on unnecessary waste of emotions, in order to bring such people out of balance, something more needs to be done than thinking about the past or the future. Another interesting feature of emotional experiences is their independence from personality. That is, a person starting to think about an event, starts the mechanism, and further exciting images begin to live their life.

How does life experience affect a person?

Often, under the concept of a psychic experience, we mean only negative impressions, but this is not so, the excitement can be joyful and, if you think, the last in our life is much more. But that's interesting - regardless of the emotional coloring of personal experiences affect us not in the best way, nervous energy is spent in great joy and with misfortune. Recall how exhausted and tired you felt after another shock. And persistent strong experiences can seriously affect mental states and cause nervous breakdowns.

How to live without unnecessary emotions?

As mentioned above, emotional experience is an integral part of human existence, but too much of it only hurts. So how to protect yourself from unnecessary excitement?

First, you need to learn to distinguish between natural experiences and those that they are not. For example, you are worried that a child walks for too long - this is quite natural, but the following thoughts about any troubles that might lie in wait for him are already false experiences that have no basis for anything other than your fears. It is necessary to get rid of such worries, not letting them seize your consciousness. There are several ways for this.

  1. If unpleasant thoughts spin in your head, do not try to drive them away, on the contrary allow yourself to feel them. To do this, sit in a comfortable pose, relax and watch your emotions from the outside, do not resist emerging images, physical sensations. It is important not to analyze anything at this moment, just succumb to sensations. Feeling your experiences to the end, you will get rid of them.
  2. When we feel bad, we seek comfort from friends and family. And this is true, sometimes to get rid of the experience, you just need to tell someone about it.
  3. If your experiences are associated with a sense of self-doubt, then the method of playing the role can help. You need to choose a role model and think about how he behaved in this or that situation, and act accordingly.
  4. Sometimes experiences go into the future, you are constantly worried about "what will happen if ...". And this can be both sad and joyful unrest, in the latter there seems to be nothing wrong with it, but if they are constantly in control of you, then you risk dwelling in your dreams, yet you do not have time to do anything in the present. Therefore obsessive ideas of any kind should be cut off, you can do this as follows. Imagine if anything happens that disturbs you. What will happen to you then, will you become much happier or sadder? How much will this change be decisive for your life? In most cases it turns out that all your anxieties are not worth a single spent nerve cell.

Seeking to escape unnecessary emotions, be wary of becoming insensitive. Buddhist tranquility is the preservation of clarity of mind in any situation, and not complete indifference to life.