Caloric content of cookies

A cookie is considered a product that is not suitable for eating during diets. The reason for this is the high calorie content of the cookie, which leads to the appearance of extra pounds. However, even this product can be pampered during diets, if you use it in small amounts and strictly adhere to the daily calorie rate.

How many calories are cookies?

Find out about the exact caloric value of the cookie by reading the information on the package. The average calorie content of the cookie is 400 kcal per 100 g. However, to compile an exemplary menu, you can rely on the following figures:

  1. Caloric content of shortbread cookies is 380 kcal.
  2. The calorie content of the biscuit cookie is in the range from 345 to 395 kcal.
  3. Caloric content of curd pastry is 315 units. And at home you can make less calorie cookies from cottage cheese.
  4. The calorie content of the cracker cookies is about 350 kcal, which destroys the stereotype that during slimming it is better to choose crackers and biscuits. In addition, it is this kind of delicacy has in the composition of many preservatives and flavor additives.
  5. Caloric content of puff pastry varies from 400 to 440 kcal and depends on the specific amount of ingredients.
  6. The calorie content of lean cookies starts from 200 kcal, but often it goes over the mark of 300 kcal.

When adding cocoa, nuts, cream, fillings to the biscuits, its calorie content increases even more. Therefore, during weight loss, it is better to give preference to simple types of cookies. Better yet, cook the cookies yourself, adding nuts , seeds, dried apricots, cereals, bran, and minimizing the sugar content. Even with increased caloric content, such a cookie will not be deposited under the skin as fat. In addition, homemade cookies will not contain various preservatives and flavor enhancers that have a negative impact on health.