Depressive state

No one is immune from the depressive state. Worst of all, when a person can not understand that he has been living side by side with him for several weeks now. Maximum, than he explains his dull condition, reduced performance - lack of sleep, vitamins, etc. But in this case, it is urgent to take on your own mental health, so that depression does not develop into something disastrous.

Types of depressive states

Depressive states are classified:

Symptoms of a depressive state

The main attributes include: depression for a long time, lack of vital interest, prevailing suicidal, negative thoughts. To the secondary rank: low self-esteem, lack of appetite or bulimia, the appearance of insomnia, lack of initiative.

How to relieve a depressed state?

Often experts give preference to medical treatment of depressive conditions (with the help of antidepressants). It is worth noting that from the depression at the initial stage it is easy to get rid of, without resorting to the help of psychologists, psychiatrists. So, often, due to lack of sunlight, vitamins the body suffers from "strikes" of a depressive nature. It is recommended to include in your daily diet bitter chocolate , protein foods, pumpkin, bananas, dates. These products contain happiness hormones, endorphins, which are very necessary in a depressed state, and all that a person needs to do in this case is to devote more time to one's health and to find positive aspects in everything.