How do I clean my computer keyboard?

Computers are firmly established in modern life, they are everywhere. The keyboard is a convenient and practical element that facilitates data entry, but it should be cleaned from time to time. Especially it concerns lovers to combine work on the computer with food intake, it is in the keyboards of such users that there are a lot of crumbs and other garbage. Honestly, we note that even in the keyboard of exemplary cleaners, dust and other small debris are accumulated over time.

How to clean the keyboard correctly?

The best cleaning involves disassembling and washing the keyboard. Only in this case you can get rid of dirt that has already managed to stick and is not eliminated by simple shaking or blowing.

The simplest method of cleaning the keyboard is by exposure to air. To do this, you can use a conventional vacuum cleaner or a hair dryer, which provides a "cold" mode. It is enough just to direct a powerful jet of air into the holes between the keys and blow out all the accumulated dust. In specialized stores on sale you will find compressed air cylinders, which are used when cleaning the keyboard or the system unit.

Another simple way, how you can clean the keyboard, is a simple overturning it and an easy tapping on the table. Due to this mechanical action, dirt and crumbs spill onto the table. This method does not allow achieving perfect purity, so do not expect that "knocking out" will help to keep the device clean.

Before you disassemble and clean the keyboard as carefully as possible, you need to stock up the layout of the buttons on it, just find a photo of a similar keyboard on the network and print it out or simply display it on the monitor. Many people prefer to remove all keys using a thin screwdriver and wipe the released inner surface with special napkins or alcohol. However, this method requires not only a large amount of time, but also certain skills in removing and installing keys. The disconnected keys also need to be wiped, and only then to collect the keyboard.

There is a way much simpler and faster than cleaning the keyboard, completely removing the keys from it. By the way, if you are thinking how to clean a flooded keyboard, for example, with tea or beer, then this method is more suitable than other similar ones. Use a screwdriver to unscrew the keyboard and separate the top from the bottom. Carefully take the cable that is used to connect the device to the computer and pull out the rubber gasket that is responsible for pressing the keys. This part of the keyboard, as well as the upper one, on which the letters are located, you can rinse thoroughly under a stream of warm water, if necessary using a detergent. The pallet of the keyboard with its electronic part located in it is gently wipe, and then, after drying the washed parts, assemble the keyboard back. For faster drying of the parts, you can use a hairdryer or put them near a heat source. The disadvantage of this method is the expectation of complete drying of the parts.

How do I clean my netbook keyboard?

The peculiarity of this device is that the keyboard in it is built-in, which means it will not be able to wash it, and it is not possible to detach the buttons on all models. In this case, it is much more appropriate to use compressed air or a jet of a hair dryer, and some users, armed with a soft brush, tilt the netbook at an angle and "sweep" the garbage with a brush from the gaps between the keys. Of course, such cleaning will not restore the pristine purity to the inside of the keyboard, however, for qualitative cleaning, especially if there was something spilled on the laptop's keyboard, it is better to resort to the help of specialists of the service center or the repair point of such equipment.