Types and functions of communication

Communication, in spite of external simplicity, is a very complex and multifaceted process, during which interpersonal contacts are established and developed. Communication is a physical manifestation of a person's need for joint activity, and during the course of the exchange of information, perception and understanding of the partner. The main thing in communication is the emotional sphere, the consciousness of people. We will look at the types and functions of communication.

Types of communication

Speaking about communication, allocate goals, types, structure, functions. Species are one of the main characteristics that allows you to point out the very essence of contact with another person or people. Among them you can list the following:

  1. Formal communication - communication, which uses the usual masks (courtesy, severity, etc.) in order to hide the true emotions. At the same time, there is no desire to understand the interlocutor.
  2. Primitive communication is communication, in which people evaluate each other as an interfering or able to help an object. Having received the desired, the person stops communicating.
  3. Formally-role communication - communication, built on the relationship of social roles.
  4. Business communication - communication, types and functions of which take into account the personality characteristics, the mood of the interlocutor, but the interests of the case lie at the basis.
  5. Spiritual, interpersonal communication of friends - communication, whose functions and types are in deep understanding, support each other.
  6. Manipulative communication is communication, the purpose of which is to obtain benefits.
  7. Secular communication - communication is pointless, in which they say what is accepted, and not what they think.

Functions, types, levels and means of communication characterize communication from different sides and allow better understanding of its mechanism and the rules of its use, without regard to which it is difficult to effectively interact with other people.

Communication Functions

Functions are important properties that share the manifestations of communication. There are six functions:

  1. Intrapersonal function (communication of a person with himself).
  2. Pragmatic function (need-motivational reasons).
  3. Function of formation and development (the ability to influence partners).
  4. Confirmation function (the ability to know and confirm yourself).
  5. Function of organization and maintenance of interpersonal relations (establishment and preservation of productive ties).
  6. The function of association-disconnection (facilitates the transfer of necessary information or differentiation).

Understanding the mechanisms of communication, a person begins to look at this important social tool differently, which allows him to improve and achieve his goals .