Can honey be given to pregnant women?

Honey. A sweet and at the same time useful unique product. Honey is in every house on the table or is hidden for the case when one of the family gets sick. We are accustomed to seeing this beekeeping product in our daily diet. And can honey be used during pregnancy? Will there be any consequences for the future mother and her baby? After all, women in the situation should be more responsible for the daily diet.

Is honey useful in pregnancy?

The body of a woman undergoes many changes during pregnancy: hormonal changes, physiological and psychological changes. Such "storms" in the body of a future mother weaken its immunity, makes it quickly fatigued. The rapidly growing fetus removes from the mother all the vitamins and minerals necessary for it. A woman becomes susceptible to seasonal colds and viruses. That is why honey during pregnancy becomes an indispensable source of replenishment of essential nutrients:

Can you get a cold for pregnant women honey?

Because of the decrease in immunity, frequent mums are becoming commonplace common colds. However, in women, the list of drugs for the treatment of diseases is very limited. And in this case, honey, which exerts antibacterial and antifungal action, increases the defenses of the organism, will be an excellent assistant. But the popular current recipe for colds and coughs in particular - radish with honey during pregnancy, unfortunately, is not recommended. The fact is that in the radish itself contains a large number of essential oils that cause an increased tone of the uterus. Alternatively, you can drink tea with honey during pregnancy, adding a slice of lemon.

When is honey forbidden during pregnancy?

But sometimes for a future mother this wonderful product is prohibited. Why can not honey be given to pregnant women? This is due, as a rule, to the individual characteristics of the woman's body. First, honey refers to the strongest allergens. And if it causes such a reaction in a pregnant woman, you can not use it. Secondly, honey is also not recommended for women suffering from diabetes or overweight. Thirdly, the abuse of this product can lead to the development of allergy in the fetus. Pregnant enough to eat 2-3 spoons of honey a day. It is better to choose such varieties: lime for cold and buckwheat for raising hemoglobin.

As you can see, honey is not only tasty, but also useful. However, it should be consumed in limited quantities. And remember - do not put honey in hot drinks. At a temperature of 40 ° C and above, it loses its useful qualities.