Pre-infarction - signs

Recently, a heart attack is no longer a disease of senile age. Cases of heart attacks in mature and even in young people occur more often. In view of the relevance of this topic, the proposed article details the pre-infarction state - its signs and symptoms. In addition, instructions will be given on what to do in such a situation and to which doctor to apply.

Symptoms and signs of pre-infarction in women

The most pronounced factor for this problem is pain syndrome. It affects the thoracic region, has the same character as in angina pectoris. The peculiarity of pain is the impossibility of eliminating it with nitrosorbite or nitroglycerin, as well as the frequency of seizures - from 20-30 times a day. It is noted that pain syndrome occurs mainly at night, during sleep, and its duration reaches half an hour. Such a prolonged state inevitably leads to a gradual necrosis of the heart muscle. In addition, severe pain gives to the right side of the body: under the collarbone and in the arm.

Pre-infarction - signs:

It is worth noting that the above symptoms before the infarction are not typical for everyone. In some cases, there are atypical manifestations that are completely different from those indicated, such as weakness and insomnia, frequent dizziness with nausea, irritability, aggressiveness towards others, dyspnea.

Abdominal condition before an infarction is accompanied by anginal pain in the left hypochondrium and in the epigastric region. They are felt as aching, burning or constricting, arise on the background of intense physical exercises, walking, stress and even minor disturbances.

The asthmatic pre-infarction condition has such symptoms as causeless cyanosis and difficulty with breathing.

If a person suffers from arrhythmia , the symptoms are manifested in the form of tachycardia, palpitations with periodic lulls, blood circulation in the limbs on the left side, short-term numbness of the fingers.

What if the signs indicate a pre-infarction?

This syndrome can be troubling for a long time, its duration reaches three weeks. If the first symptoms do not apply for timely medical help, then this condition ends with myocardial infarction. Therefore, it is necessary at the very beginning of a malaise and the appearance of a pain syndrome to visit a cardiologist for consultation.

Diagnosis of the pre-infarction state consists in examination by a specialist and conducting an electrocardiogram followed by interpretation. After that, the patient is placed in the hospital, often in the intensive care unit.

The treatment regimen consists of a long-term use of antispasmodic drugs and anticoagulants. Nitroglycerin is used for persistent elimination of pain syndrome and is infused intravenously via a dropper. In addition, the patient is provided with a complete peace and sparing diet with a minimum content of cholesterol.

After discharge, some time should be observed with the attending physician, and also regularly make electrocardiograms to mark the progress or regress of the disease. The patient himself must follow the arterial pressure, avoid both physical and emotional overloads. In addition, it is necessary to adjust the diet, to limit the consumption of fats, and also to allocate enough time for sleep.