How cool is it to call a kitten a boy?

Choosing a name for a kitten is both a simple and a difficult task. Some owners relate to such things very easily and uncomplicated. It's enough just to think up a funny name for a kitten for those people who have a well-developed imagination and sense of humor.

Difficulties in the question of how cool it is to call the kitten of a boy is usually experienced by those masters who are very consciously and painstakingly choosing the nickname for their mewing pet. But each owner, choosing a name for a kitten, wants it to be original.

Many families often do not want to have kittens for girls due to the fact that there are difficulties with the offspring, although in the conditions of modern advances in medicine, this issue is easily solved. But nevertheless in houses and apartments often live only kittens boys.

If small children live in the house, it's good when the name of the boy's kitten is not only cool, but also easy to pronounce. A kid who does not yet speak well enough will be easier to learn to pronounce a monosyllabic and sonorous nickname. There were also amusing cases when children themselves came up with funny nicknames for kittens, calling them in their own way, for example, Tick, Pee, Lapa, Flour, etc.

Choosing funny and original nicknames for boys kittens

So, from the majestic, original and official names for the kitten, you can choose: Athanasius, Inokenty, Semyon Semyonovich, Archibalte Lavres, Amaretto, Baileys, Boniface, Banderos, Vargo, Warfalomei, Herman, Euphrosyne, Jerome, Leo, Oscar, Timothy, Charlie .

As a cool name for the kitten of a boy you can choose one of these: Knave, Venik, Vasyatka, Guchi, Dollar, Hedgehog, Zhorik, Zheka, Snickers, Shastik, Lucky, Ozi, Temka, Yashka, Chelsea, Chip, Evro, Apricot, Ice .

A cool name for a boy's kitten can be the name of your favorite book, game, country, iconic thing. Pronounce this name with warmth and characteristic intonation, then the kitten will remember it more quickly.