Change of teeth in kittens

You are very fond of cats, and finally you had this long-awaited event: a kitten appeared in the house. He brought with him a lot of questions: how to properly care for him, how to feed the baby , so that he grows strong and healthy. Many, especially inexperienced owners of cats, want to know: at what age and how there is a change of teeth in kittens.

Change of milk teeth in kittens

A kitten, like a human, is born toothless. But after two weeks of age the kittens begin to erupt the milk teeth, and by the twelfth week the baby has a full set of teeth.

But approximately at the age of 3-4 months, the kitten has excessive salivation, the gums appear slightly swollen and reddened. Sometimes a kid can refuse to eat. During this period, the kitten gnaws everything that falls into its field of vision. All these are symptoms of tooth replacement in kittens.

A normally developing kitten has 26 milk teeth, the change of which to permanent takes place gradually, within three to five months. The first drop out, and then the incisors grow, then the fangs, and the last change molars and premolars. A change all the teeth of a cat to a permanent should be about seven months old. You should know that the permanent teeth of cats should be thirty.

During the change of teeth, the nutrition of the kitten should be healthy and full. To ensure that the teeth of the kitten grow up healthy, the baby must have the necessary vitamins, as well as phosphorus, calcium and other microelements in the baby's nutrition.

If once you find that the kitten has a tooth , then do not worry. The process of changing teeth in kittens takes a long time, but often painless. But here if in a mouth at a seal have appeared not healing wounds it is necessary to address for veterinary help.

Sometimes experts deliberately loosen the baby's teeth in the kitten so that they quickly drop out. If the milk teeth of the kitten did not fall to six months of age, the veterinarians recommend that they be removed, since the new teeth will not grow properly. And this can lead to damage to the mucosa in the mouth of the kitten, a change in the bite in it and even to periodontitis. Therefore, the owners need to carefully monitor how the teeth erupt in the kitten and, if necessary, necessarily show the baby to the veterinarian.

If you want the teeth of your cat to grow healthy, from an early age, teach the kitten to clean them with a brush and tooth powder.