Wine from pears - recipe

Pear wine is extremely fragrant, and it is very popular in various regions of Russia. However, it is worth considering the fact that the fruits themselves are poorly suited to winemaking, since they contain a lot of tannic acid and, in the end, produce a sufficiently cloudy and tasteless drink.

To make the right home wine from a pear, you need to take green, unripened fruits, with pits that just begin to brown, otherwise the wine will turn out very turbid and mucous.

Well, let's take a closer look at how to make wine from pears.

How to make wine from pears?



Water should first be boiled (if it is of poor quality), and then cool and dissolve sugar in it.

Pears washing, we clean from rot and stalk and cut into small pieces. Pieces of fruit are laid in a dry and clean container for fermentation, it can be made of glass or enameled metal. Following the pears we pour out the sugar syrup and fill the fermentation tank with clean water to the brim. After this, you can leave the wine to ferment in a dark and warm place. You can find out about the end of fermentation by first putting a rubber glove on the neck of the fermentation tank. As soon as the glove is blown off, the fermentation is over, since carbon dioxide has ceased to be released.

Now the must must be filtered, bottled, corked and left for fermentation for 1-2 months.

Homemade wine made from pears and apples

Refreshing wine made from pears and apples is especially pleasant to use in a chilled form, it can serve as a soft drink, or an aperitif.



Before making wine from a pear and an apple, wipe the fruits themselves with a dry cloth, so as not to wash off all the microflora useful for fermentation. After that, the fruit should be removed from the fruit and squeezed out the juice. In this case, it is convenient to use a juicer, but if there is none, then simply grate the fruits on a grater, and then wring out the frayed flesh.

The juice is poured into a clean container for fermentation, covered with a cloth and left for 3 days. The first two days the future wine should be mixed periodically, and the third does not need to do this, since the mash must settle.

After 3 days, sugar can be added to the wine, but not more than 250 g per 1 liter of the beverage - the more sugar, the stronger the wine. After that, the drink can be bottled and clogged with stoppers with tubes, or bandaged with rubber gloves to determine the end of fermentation. Homemade wine from pears will be ready 1.5-2 months after the end of fermentation.

Pear cider

Fans of sparkling wines are sure to enjoy home pear cider.



Pears wipe with a dry cloth and leave in the warmth for 2-3 days. During this time on the surface of the fruit will develop a microflora. Fruit grind with a meat grinder, or blender and place the resulting gruel in a clean container for fermentation. There we send sugar at the rate of 120-150 g per kilogram of fruit. Cover the neck of the container with a cloth and leave the mass to wander for 3-4 days, not forgetting to mix every day.

As soon as the first stage of fermentation is completed, the juice must be squeezed from the pulp and poured into another dish, the neck of which is closed with a water seal. We follow the end of the fermentation process (1-1.5 months), after which it is necessary to filter the cider, pour into bottles and leave to rip for 3 months.

Delicious unusual wine can be made not only from pears, but also from apricots , which will taste to many.