Potato juice - contraindications

The liquid, squeezed from the fresh pulp of potatoes, has long been used in traditional and folk medicine to treat many diseases, especially those associated with digestion. But not everyone can consume potato juice - contraindications include several pathologies, during the treatment of which this product only aggravates the clinical manifestations.

Contraindications for potato juice in the treatment of stomach

It is known that the solution in question is excellent for ulcer and gastritis, constipation and other dyspeptic disorders. This is due to its ability to reduce the amount of acid formed, to damp the pain syndrome and heal erosive lesions on the mucosa.

However, not all people with stomach diseases are recommended to drink potato juice. With reduced acidity and concomitant gastritis, the described product worsens the course of the disease, provokes its transition to the chronic stage. Moreover, such unreasonable therapy can lead to other pathologies:

Contraindications and harm treatment with potato juice

Another two diseases in which this drug should not be taken are severe forms of diabetes mellitus and the last stages of obesity. The fact is that the tubers, and consequently the potato juice, are rich in easily digestible carbohydrates and sugars. Treatment of the product in the presence of these diseases will lead to an increase in the level of glucose and cholesterol in the blood, which is fraught with consequences:

It is also worth noting that the juice of tubers contains substances that negatively affect the tooth enamel. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor its condition or use the product through a tube.

Is it possible to drink potato juice for pregnant women?

Women in the situation often have digestive problems, which can partly be solved by the intake of juice from potatoes. It is always necessary to consult a therapist and a gastroenterologist. The fact that during pregnancy the body of a woman is prone to constipation, and the potato juice consists, for the most part, of starch and carbohydrates, which only aggravate this pathology.