Сокотерапия - medicinal properties of juices

Freshly squeezed juices from vegetables and fruits is a symbiosis of the maximum of vitamins, essential oils, enzymes, mineral salts and many other substances useful to the human body. They are much better than their constituents, since they are easier to digest, incomparably more useful than jams and compotes, because they are not subjected to heat treatment, in which part of the vitamins are lost. Freshly prepared juices are digested for 10-15 minutes, without loading the digestive system, and their use guarantees good health and longevity.

Сокотерапия - medicinal properties of juices

In addition to pleasant taste and useful properties, juices have the ability to heal certain diseases.

  1. For the respiratory organs are very useful potato and carrot juices.
  2. Bronchitis, asthma and just cough can cure juices from sweet peppers, as well as a mixture of cucumber juice and radishes with honey.
  3. It lowers the temperature of the body juice from grapefruit or cranberries.
  4. Diabetes mellitus, insomnia, kidney disease - all this will help cure pumpkin juice.
  5. Carrot juice is universal: it can be taken in case of problems with eyesight, and with nervous exhaustion. The product will charge with vivacity and prolong youthfulness of the skin.
  6. The stomach ulcer will heal the potato juice.

Sokoterapiya is a very useful technique for losing weight, because freshly squeezed juices disperse metabolic processes and purify the body, which contributes to the loss of excess kilograms. Drink 2 glasses of food per day for 2 months, and the scales will please. Strengthen fruit , berries and vegetables, having a mild laxative effect.

Socotherapy is also used to treat joints, although only mixtures of juices, for example, celery, cabbage, parsley and beet juice, taken in the ratio of 7: 4: 3: 2, can help.


  1. It is very important to select components for juice, taking into account their influence on various organs, for example, beet juice therapy used in hypertension can have a negative impact on blood sugar, which is contraindicated for diabetics.
  2. The juice should be drunk within 5 minutes after preparation, since later it loses its useful properties.
  3. The daily norm of juice is 1.5 liters, but in one case it is recommended to use no more than one glass.
  4. When mixing juices, use the compatibility table.