Soup from fresh cabbage

Soup of fresh cabbage is a delicious hot dish, which is perfect for a family dinner. In addition to the delicious flavor and stunning taste, the dish is still very useful for the body. Check it out for yourself!

Fresh cabbage soup recipe



We process the meat, put it in a deep saucepan with water and cook the broth. Do not waste time in vain, we clean potatoes and cut into cubes.

Carrots are cleaned and shredded straws. With a fork of cabbage we remove dirty leaves and thinly cut with a knife, and the bulb is crushed.

Now we pass it on cream butter together with carrots. In a boiling broth we throw potatoes with cabbage and boil for 15 minutes. At the end of the time, we add vegetable roast, green peas and spices. Tomime soup of fresh cabbage with meat for a few more minutes, and then poured on plates!

Fresh cabbage soup without meat



In cold filtered water, we throw the peeled potatoes, bring them to a boil, take off the foam, and cook for 5 minutes. This time, fresh cabbage is processed, thinly shredded and poured into hot broth . Bulb and carrots are cleaned, cut into strips and we pass the vegetables on olive oil to transparency and softness. We sprinkle the roast with chopped dill, squeeze out a clove of garlic and put it all in a saucepan. Ready soup spilled on plates, putting in each spoon sour cream and green onions.

Fresh cabbage soup with chicken



We divide the chicken into several pieces, put it in a saucepan, fill it with filtered water and cook the broth for an hour. Cabbage melenko shiny, and the potatoes are cleaned and cut into slices. All the vegetables are thrown into the boiling broth and cook until soft. Bulb and carrots are processed, crushed and wessed on vegetable oil. Then we send the roast in a saucepan, add salt and mix it. We bring the soup to the preparedness and decorate with greens.