How to cook buckwheat on water in a saucepan?

For housewives with experience this topic will most likely seem uninteresting and even funny. But for those who are just learning the basics of cooking, the material below will help to avoid incidents in the preparation of buckwheat porridge, and will contribute to obtaining the ideal result. After all, in fact, not knowing certain subtleties that you need to observe in the process of cooking cereals, to achieve a loose texture of the garnish and its excellent taste is not so simple. Here, the order of actions is important, and the correct proportions of components, and, of course, some mastery of tricks that improve the taste of the dish.

The easiest way to make buckwheat is to cook the cereals on the water in a saucepan. We will discuss it in detail later.

How to cook friable buckwheat in water in a saucepan - recipe



  1. Perhaps the most important factor in cooking buckwheat is the correct ratio of cereals and water. Always on one part of buckwheat groats you need to take two parts of water. For example, if you take a glass of buckwheat, then in this case it is necessary to pour two glasses into the pan.
  2. Choosing a saucepan for cooking porridge, we take into account that buckwheat will increase when cooking in two, and even two and a half times. It is better to take a vessel with a thick bottom, this will positively affect the taste of the dish.
  3. Initially, we measure the necessary quantity of buckwheat groats and sort it out, getting rid of unpurified specimens or foreign impurities.
  4. To improve the taste, it is better to roast the croup a little on a dry frying pan. To do this, pour it into a heated container and with continuous stirring, we stand on high heat for five minutes or until the characteristic crackle begins.
  5. Next, the groats should be washed several times to remove the floating debris.
  6. The necessary amount of purified water is poured into a saucepan, we give it a boil, add salt to taste and spread the prepared buckwheat groats into it.
  7. Let the contents boil again, reduce the heat under the pan to a minimum and cover the container with a lid.

How much to cook buckwheat on water?

Well, buckwheat groats are properly prepared, washed and already in a pan with water in the right proportions. How much to keep the porridge on the water so that it cooks, but does not burn? This is exactly the issue that every housewife worries about, who undertook to cook buckwheat for the first time.

  1. Determining the time of cooking buckwheat, you must first ensure the correct intensity of boiling. It should be barely noticeable. Porridge does not have to boil, but only a little bit to languish.
  2. On average, for cooking buckwheat on the stove it will be twenty minutes. The correct result is the complete absorption of all the water by the groats and obtaining a crumbly texture of it.
  3. Cover during the preparation of buckwheat should not be opened, much less stir the rump during cooking. So you can spoil the result and the porridge will not turn out friable.
  4. According to the readiness of buckwheat porridge it is necessary to let it boil and go a little. To do this, remove the pan from the fire with a dish you need to wrap a blanket or rug for twenty or thirty minutes. After that, the taste of the food improves at times and acquires an appetizing friable appearance and a special taste, something reminiscent of the muffin that our grandmothers cooked in a Russian oven.
  5. Before serving, buckwheat porridge should be seasoned with melted butter and mix. To any side dish, it will be appropriate to eat any meat, fish or poultry. But just buckwheat porridge, supplemented with vegetables, will be a delicious and healthy meal.