When can a child be given a beetroot?

A newborn baby who is breastfed, in the first months of life, enough nutrients and vitamins, obtained from the mother. But with the growing up of crumbs, there is a need for additional lure. The scheme for introducing new products is quite simple, but, as a rule, causes a lot of questions among young mothers. One of these, when introducing vegetable complementary foods, is the question: when can a child be given a beetroot?

How to give the beetroot?

In general, the fears of moms are associated with the possibility of allergies in the baby, often due to the bright color of the vegetable. Moms are not worried in vain, so it is extremely important to give her to the baby, starting with very small portions. With beet dishes for children, it's best to start acquainting your baby with an 8-month-old age when he is already testing potatoes, cauliflower and zucchini. If the baby suffers from birth with constipation, then experts recommend that from the age of two months to give juice beets, starting with a drop and strictly following the reaction of the body crumbs. Do not forget to dilute the juice with the same amount of water.

How to cook beets?

I want to say right away that beets for children are very useful. It contains a lot of vitamins and microelements, which help improve metabolism. The first full-fledged dish with the introduction of a burgundy beauty in the baby's diet can be a beet salad for children: grind the root vegetable well and add to it carrots or pumpkin, if desired, season the dish with olive oil or sour cream. If the baby refuses to eat a healthy vegetable, moms can cheat and "hide" the beets, for example, in pancakes.

Dishes from a vitamin-rich root crop exist a great variety: beetroot, borsch, vinaigrette, various salads, but it is important to know how to properly prepare a baby beets. First, you need to rinse the vegetable well under running water, it is advisable to use a brush with a stiff bristle, if you are going to give the baby beets raw, then be sure to water it with boiling water.

Remember, your baby's way to a full-fledged diet should be very slow: small portions, close attention to the skin reactions to the product, the crumbs chair will give you a healthy, well-fed and happy baby!