2 weeks of pregnancy - how does it all start?

2 weeks of pregnancy is so small that most women still do not know anything about their new situation. However, there are certain signs that may indicate a conception that has occurred. It is worth paying special attention to their availability.

How to learn about pregnancy in the second week?

A similar kind of question is of interest to women who suspect of the onset of pregnancy. Doctors do not give a concrete answer, pointing out that there are no reliable symptoms indicating the fact of conception at the initial stages of gestation. Signs of pregnancy in the early stages (2 weeks) can only indirectly confirm the fertilization of the egg, after which active processes of preparing the uterus for implantation begin.

Pregnancy 2 weeks - signs

The symptoms of pregnancy at 2 weeks from conception are similar to those recorded by women before the onset of menstruation. This cycle period corresponds to this period. Abundant mucous discharge from the vagina at this time there. The woman begins to notice the appearance of the same signs as during the approaching menstrual period, this is:

Such phenomena on the suspicions of the future mother, because they are natural. To think about a possible pregnancy a woman begins a week later, when there is a delay in another menstruation. To confirm their assumptions, they conduct an express pregnancy test .

Pregnancy test 2 weeks

When carrying out such research at this time, it is not always possible to obtain an objective result. This is due to the fact that hCG at 2 weeks of pregnancy is not yet reaching diagnostic values. Given this fact, often women who conduct a test on a short term receive a false negative result. However, there are supersensitive tests that can establish pregnancy at this time.

Affordable and inexpensive test strips are able to determine the occurred conception from the first days of delay of the monthly. Given this fact, gynecologists do not recommend using them earlier than 14-15 days from the date of the alleged conception. At short notice, the second strip on the test may be barely discernible or completely absent. Determine a true-onset pregnancy at the very beginning of it can be using ultrasound.

Ultrasound at 2 weeks of pregnancy

The gestation period of 2 weeks is accompanied by active division of the blastocyst. Her and can be observed by a doctor in the uterine cavity, conducting ultrasound at this time. Its dimensions are not large, therefore it is impossible to determine the contours with the help of ultrasound. On the screen of the ultrasound machine, the doctor fixes the shadow. In parallel with this, there is an increase in the thickness of the uterine endometrium, which is preparing for the adoption of the fetal egg - the implantation process.

By this time, the uterine mucosa becomes mature - it increases the number of blood vessels and glands. These changes are clearly visible on ultrasound and recorded by a doctor. By the presence of these signs, the doctor can state with certainty the occurred conception. However, at such times, ultrasound is rarely performed, because most women do not expect pregnancy.

2 weeks of pregnancy - what happens in the body?

The second week of pregnancy is characterized by significant changes in the work of the hormonal system. Gradually increases the concentration of the main hormones of pregnancy - hCG and progesterone. The second inhibits the ovulatory process in the body, and the woman watches the delay in menstrual flow.

Disclosing about such a short period as 2 weeks of pregnancy, what happens in the mother's body, doctors put forward changes in the genital organ in the first place. The uterus grows in size every day. Gradually, the shape of the organ changes from pear-shaped to oval. In this case, the growth occurs predominantly in the anterior-posterior direction. In 2 weeks the size of the uterus does not exceed the fist of the future mother. Under the influence of the hormonal background, parallel to the mammary glands, the number of ducts increases, which leads to the growth of the breast.

2 weeks of pregnancy - sensations

The first 2 weeks of pregnancy for most expectant mothers are remembered by a sharp deterioration in overall well-being. Suddenly, there is a feeling of fatigue, weakness, which does not disappear even after sleep. At the same time, I almost always want to sleep. On the background of hormonal adjustment, the first signs of toxicosis may appear:

The chest also changes. It swells, becomes swollen, increases in volume. The sucking area becomes brown, and the nipples themselves become highly sensitive. An accidental touch can cause a feeling of pain and tingling, which causes a woman discomfort. From the nipples in some cases, a small amount of whitish liquid is released.

The abdomen is 2 weeks pregnant

The uterus at 2 weeks of pregnancy has the usual dimensions. The increase in the volume of the organ occurs from 5-6 weeks of gestation. However, already at this time the genital organ has differences:

The abdomen at the 2nd week of pregnancy does not change its size (2 weeks of the current pregnancy). The woman who has begun gestation can only be indicated by aching pain in the lower abdomen. They are of low intensity and short. Their appearance is associated with the gradual growth of the uterus and the extension of the ligamentous apparatus of this organ. Externally, the abdominal enlargement becomes noticeable at 3-4 months of pregnancy.

Pain at the 2nd week of pregnancy

When in the 2 weeks of pregnancy the stomach is pulled, the doctors say about the increase in the size of the uterus. It is important to carefully consider your health and observe the appearance of additional symptoms. If the pain from aching, pulling changed to paroxysmal, acute and in addition to it there were spotting from the vagina - there is a high probability of abortion. The situation requires urgent medical care, cleaning the uterine cavity.

Fetus at 2 weeks gestation

The future baby at the 2nd week of pregnancy does not even remotely resemble a baby. At this time he is at the stage of the blastocyst - it is a cluster of cells from which the body of the fetus will subsequently form. Now there is a formation of the tube of the primary intestine, which will later participate in the process of metabolism. At this stage of intrauterine development, the beginnings of the future central organs and systems - the heart, lungs - are laid.

At 2 weeks of gestation around the embryo, the amniotic fluid forms, which begins to fill with the amniotic fluid. Begins its education and placenta, which in the future will take an active part in the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus. Active development of the embryo leads to a gradual separation of the fetus from the membranes, the formation of the rudiments of the muscular, nervous and bone systems.