Massage during pregnancy

Often, women waiting for the appearance of the baby, thinks about whether it is possible to do massage during pregnancy, to ease your health. As you know, almost all future mothers face pain in the back, legs, especially at later times. Let's try to answer this question and tell you about what kinds of massage are acceptable for carrying out during pregnancy.

Is it possible to carry out a massage for pregnant women?

It is worth noting that doctors do not prohibit this kind of impact on the body of a future mother. Therefore, massage during pregnancy can take place and in the early stages. However, in carrying it out, a number of conditions must be taken into account.

So, the movements of the hands of the masseur must necessarily be soft, rhythmic, calm. In this case, any pressing, abrupt impacts are unacceptable. Especially neatly it is necessary to massage the area of ​​the waist and sacrum.

When massage hands and feet during pregnancy, usually use lymph drainage technique, which helps reduce swelling, by improving the circulation of lymph.

During the procedure, try to exclude the effect on the abdominal region. That's why massage is carried out in the supine position on the side, or sitting.

Massage of the collar zone during pregnancy helps relieve tension in the cervical spine and can be carried out even by an expert. Movement in this case should be smooth, without much effort.

Speaking about this type of relaxation, reducing muscle tension in women in the position, it is necessary to say about what impact is unacceptable at this time.

First of all, it is an anti-cellulite massage, which is forbidden during pregnancy. The fact is that it assumes an intensive, long-term effect on the subcutaneous fat tissue, which is absolutely unacceptable. In addition, this procedure, taking into account the appearance of stretch marks in the lower abdomen and thighs, is inexpedient in pregnancy.

Also, pregnant women often ask doctors if they can do a back massage. This kind of physical impact must be carried out exclusively by a qualified specialist.

Is it possible for all pregnant women to have a massage?

It must be said that this kind of procedure can be carried out far from all future mothers, in view of the fact that there are contraindications to its implementation. Among them are: