Swelling in pregnancy - what to do?

Some pregnant women on the way to meeting with the long-awaited kid have to face a number of problems. Puffiness is common in women in the second half of gestation. Because it is worth to find out what to do with severe swelling during pregnancy. Such information will help future mothers to navigate the situation and try to improve their health.

Causes of edema

Doctors, diagnosing this condition, necessarily establish its degree. At the first swelling only feet and shins, with the next - the stomach, pubic zone. At the third degree, the edema of the face, hands, and the fourth is characterized by a general puffiness.

The reasons for this state can be several:

The future mother should be alerted if the elastic bands from the toes on the foot leave a deep trace, and also, if the usual shoes began to crush, and the ring is hardly removed from the finger. This can signal a problem in the body and the need to consult a specialist.

There are also hidden swelling, which are not visible externally. They can be suspected of a large gain in weight. If a woman noticed that over a week the body weight increased by more than 0.5 kg, it is better to consult a doctor.

An experienced doctor will find out the causes of edema in pregnant women and will tell you what to do. If the doctor diagnoses gestosis and insists on seeing in the hospital, then do not give up.

What helps with swelling in pregnancy?

Only the doctor should prescribe the necessary diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, as well as prescribing medicines. To future mothers with such a problem the doctor can give the following recommendations:

Many women suffering from this condition want to know what to drink when swelling during pregnancy, which drugs can effectively help:

But do not engage in self-medication, any drug before taking should be discussed with a doctor.

Diet for edema in expectant mothers

In this condition, an important part of therapy is compliance with certain rules in nutrition. In compiling a diet, a woman must adhere to the following principles:

Compliance with such a diet in conjunction with a moderate fiznagruzkoy will be an excellent prevention of puffiness.