Ryakhovsky's test

To date, Ryakhovsky's test is a simple assessment of the level of sociability that any person can get by conducting an independent diagnosis of the text of the questionnaire. As a result, your level of sociability and ability to interact with other people will be determined. In addition, the test allows you to identify the weaknesses of your character and indicate what you should work on.

Test of V.F. Ryakhovsky

Ryakhovsky's method is quite simple: one of three possible answers should be answered to the following questions: "yes", "no" or "sometimes". It is important to respond quickly, thinking little. The questions are simple and do not require reflection - only honesty is needed.

Ryakhovsky's test - the key

The technique developed by Ryakhovsky, like many other tests, requires summing up the results. For each answer "yes" put yourself 2 points, "sometimes" - 1 point, "no" - 0 points. Add up all the numbers and find your result in the classifier below.