Terjinan during pregnancy

As is known, with the onset of the gestational age, quite often the future mothers face an exacerbation of chronic diseases. The reason in most cases lies in the change in the hormonal background. Often, at the very beginning of pregnancy, a woman faces candida, which is popularly known as thrush. There are many drugs used in this disease. Let's consider in detail such as Terginan, and find out how to apply it in pregnancy.

What is Terginan?

According to static data, approximately 70% of women at different gestational age experience the appearance of candidamycosis. It is in such cases that a preparation becomes necessary.

Terzhinan is available in the form of vaginal tablets. It is prescribed for women with various diseases, accompanied by a violation of the vaginal microflora:

It has a brightly expressed antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antiprotozoal effect.

Can Terginan be used during pregnancy?

This is the question most often asked by women in the position of their doctors. According to the instructions to the drug Terzhinan, the drug can be used during pregnancy. Its components act locally, are not absorbed into the bloodstream. Therefore, the ingestion of active substances to the fetus is excluded. That is why Terzhinan is actively prescribed in the early stages of pregnancy, in the first trimester. In addition, studies conducted by the creators of the drug, found that it is allowed to use it in breastfeeding.

How correctly to use Terzhinan?

Before using the drug, a woman should consult a doctor who confirms or refutes the woman's assumptions about thrush.

Terginan candles, which can be used during pregnancy, regardless of whether it's 1 trimester or 2, are injected into the vagina. For this, a woman needs to take a horizontal position, bend her legs in the knees. It is best to install the drug at night. This is necessary for better assimilation of the drug, because allows you to stay with its components for a long time.

With regard to the frequency of use of Terzhinan, in most cases, the drug is prescribed 1 time per day.

Terjinan in the third trimester of pregnancy can be prescribed for prophylactic purposes. In particular, it is prescribed for those women who have found a pathogenic microflora when examining smears from the vagina. These manipulations make it possible to minimize the risk of infection of the fetus when passing through the birth canal.

Is it possible for everyone to carry a baby when carrying a baby?

Like all drugs, this one also has a contraindication to use. This Turginan is an individual intolerance of its components. Therefore, before you start using it, you need to visit a doctor.

Also it is worth considering that the use of Terzhinan can cause side effects. Among the main ones, burning and itching in the genital tract. In most cases, this alone disappears on the 2-3 day of use. If the intensity does not decrease, the itching does not go away, it is necessary to inform the doctor about this, which will replace the drug with an analog. In no case should not be tolerated and think that it should be so.

Thus, as can be seen from the article, Terginan can be used at any term of the current pregnancy. At appointment the doctor considers a degree of infringement, severity of a symptomatology. It is these factors that determine the dosage and the frequency of use of the drug for a pregnant woman.