Eye pressure - treatment

Normal eye pressure supports the full functioning of the eye. Pressure failure is associated with an increase in the level of intraocular fluid in the eye chamber. Normally, about 2 ml of liquid enter and exit the eye chamber in a day. If, for some reason, the fluid is not completely drained, then an increase in intraocular pressure occurs.

Symptoms of increased intraocular pressure

Signs of increased eye pressure, whose treatment can not be delayed due to the risk of glaucoma, are as follows:

Medical treatment of increased eye pressure

To treat high eye pressure, accurate diagnosis is necessary. To measure eye pressure there is a special drug - an eye tonometer. Indicators that correspond to the norm are within 9-22 mm of mercury. Also, with increased eye pressure, an experienced specialist can determine this by palpating the eyeball according to the degree of its elasticity.

Treatment of this problem is mainly through eye drops. Depending on the cause of the disease, various drugs are prescribed. Drops for the treatment of ophthalmic pressure can be of different kinds of effects:

In addition to drops, the treatment of eye pressure is carried out with the help of tablets, vitamins, gymnastics for the eyes, physiotherapy and even Sidorenko's glasses.

Folk treatment of eye pressure

The pressure of the fundus is subject to folk treatment, which is very effective. Folk remedies for eye pressure treatment:

Preventive methods to combat increased intraocular pressure

In order to avoid increasing eye pressure or to lower it at home, first of all, it is necessary:

  1. It is right to eat fully.
  2. Periodically exercise regularly or at least do exercises.
  3. Often visit the open air.
  4. Avoid stress, emotional and mental overload.
  5. Do not overwork, alternate work and rest.
  6. Do not drink coffee and black tea.
  7. Drink lots of clean water.
  8. Prefer to public and private transport on foot, or at least sometimes walk on foot.
  9. Do not wear tight caps, clothes with tight collar and scarves.
  10. Sleep with a raised head (due to the pillow).
  11. Working at the computer, take breaks every 40 minutes for 10-15 minutes. At this time, you can do exercises for the eyes .

Vision is very valuable for a person, and therefore it is extremely important to monitor the health of the eyes and immediately, if there are regular or persistent symptoms of increased eye pressure, immediately consult a doctor.