25 amazing facts that will make you look at the world differently

Everybody knows that statistics can lie. And today, when any news can easily turn out to be fake, checking information for reliability is considered quite a serious work and in most cases is paid well.

But not always that sounds crazy is untrue. Here, see for yourself. All the facts below are absolutely truthful, although it is difficult to believe in some of them.

1. After September 11 on the US roads, there were 1600 deaths more than usual. Researchers believe this is due to the fact that people decided to avoid flights if possible. Ironically, travel by land transport was more dangerous.

2. The money spent for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan would be enough to install solar cells in every house in the US.

3. Since 1960, the population of the Earth has doubled.

4. The reservation of Pine Ridge in South Dakota, in fact, is a third world country.

The average life expectancy of men here is 47 years, and this is the lowest figure in the entire western hemisphere. And the unemployment rate in this area reaches 80%. Most of the population of Pine Ridge lives without water, sewage or electricity. Among other things, the infant mortality rate is 5 times higher than the average for all of America.

5. Suicides - the most common cause of death of American soldiers.

6. There are more people in Bangladesh than in Russia. 156 million against 143 million people.

7. 20% of all mammals on the planet are bats (5000 mammal species have about 1000 species of bats).

8. The neutron star is so dense that if a jelly bear fell on its surface from a meter height, it would be torn to pieces by the force of thousands of nuclear explosions.

9. Wherever you go from the Mexican city of Los Algodones, you will go to the United States.

10. If the Sun suddenly became a supernova, it would trigger a flash a billion times brighter than when a hydrogen bomb exploded immediately in front of your face.

11. Two out of three Australians get skin cancer.

12. Every two days people generate as much information as has been created since the beginning of humanity's development until 2010 inclusive.

13. The average cloud weighs about 495 thousand kilograms (approximately as 100 elephants).

14. Samsung accounts for almost a quarter of the total GDP of South Korea.

15. Over the past 40 years, the Earth has lost 50% of its wildlife.

16. In America there are 3.5 million homeless people and 18.5 million empty houses.

House for sale

17. Over the past 15 years, almost 20% of queries on Google have been new. Simply put, every day 20% of people were looking for something that they had not been looking for before. And this, for a minute, about 500 million requests a day.

18. Canada is 50% of the "a".

19. While some people boast of their refusal to fly on airplanes that destroy the environment, agriculture emits significantly more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

20. Your chances of dying at the hands of a child with a gun are much more likely to meet with a terrorist.

21. Canada - the owner of the four most important air forces in North America, which are second only to the US Air Force, the US Navy and the US Army.

22. If you live to the age of 90, you will live only 5000 weeks. This means that you have only 5000 Saturdays for life.

23. There are 30 times more trees on Earth than stars in the Milky Way. Some 3 trillion, and others only 100 billion.

24. There are more people in Greater Tokyo than in all of Canada. 38 against 35 million people.

25. 80% of Soviet men born in 1923 did not live up to 1946.